Chapter Nine

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why would she do that? I thought maybe because she promised she would keep her promise, like my brother, he told me he would stay there for me and then he went a ended his life, she was like him.

As much as I wanted to be angry at her I couldn't be, I don't know exactly how she's feeling but I know that once a self harmed starts they can't stop, it's like smoking, it becomes a habnecessity of life.

it was now the morning after and she was sat idle eyed in front of the television, watching it in interest, but when I looked it wasn't even switched on. She was upset, embarrassed, down to be honest all in all depressed, but I saw her stomach, it wasn't all from that night, there where others! bruises burns slices, the lot, covering all over her. and it horrified me. not in a way that it discussed me but it horrified me that she had been doing it after our promise ad I hadn't even noticed it, I was right by her side almost every morning and night, I was with her all day, attached to her side, and yet I didn't notice anything happening, I was the worst boyfriend ever and we had only been going out a few days,

I moved my but and sat beside Brooke, I talked to Zack, he explained, and I was beyond pissed at him, I considered ignoring him but I knew that wouldn't solve anything, I didn't forgive him I just moved on from it. he blackmailed her into telling him something so personal that it made her run away. he's convinced it's his fault she was cutting but I knew it was much more, something she wasn't telling us.

"I know there's more to why you did it" I said to her as she hugged her knees close up the her chest. nibbling on her jumper sleeve

"There's nothing to know, I was stupid" she denied glumly, her toes twitched up and down so I knew she was nervous.

"You weren't stupid Brooke but I know Zack wasn't the whole reason why you did it" I reasoned

"What do you mean ?it had nothing to do with zack!" she exclaimed "I mean it hurt me that he done that to me but I didn't cut because of Zack" she denied

"Then what?" I asked her, she turned her head to face me still in shock.

"You mean Zack thinks its his fault?" She questioned me not answering my previous question

"Well yeah I mean its really the only thing that makes sense and links really, you being upset with him and then it happening" I explained to her

"But it wasn't, I was upset because of Zack but that was only because I was freaking out, I don't want to tell anyone why it was because then thy would find out like Zack and then everyone will think I'm some-" she was cut off from words when matt came in interrupting is

"Sorry to disturb but I really need to talk to Brooke, it's important" he said, Brooke stood herself up and walked over towards matt, he whispered something in her ear and then placed a hand on her back leading her off into the back of the bus, he closed the door behind the two of them and sat away from the window view so they had privacy.

"What's going on in there" Zack asked me as he took a seat Beside me,

"I have no idea" I sighed

"Has Brooklynn said anything about me, or what happened or last night or-" he dragged on and on

"She said it had nothing to do with you but she won't tell me what it was" I said settling him a bit,

"I'm sure she will tell you eventually"



"as all time lows sort of manger thing, I kind of have the job of keeping an eye out for them, and since I mean your like living with us now your part of our family, and right ill get to the point, I hate seeing you this way because it just it hurts you know, seeing you like that last night, I mean I've seen people upset, depressed but I've never seen anything like that Brooke" he babbled on

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