Chapter 3 :)

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What was I thinking. I knew I had a massive crush on this guy but things were moving super fast, I'd only just met him.

But I guess I'm over reacting, otherwise I'll never get to see him again.

I texted Bri;

Hey, you feel comfortable around guys I know (not Stef, she's terrible ahahahah XD) could you text the gang to come over this arvo??

Thanks xx Brooke

I sat nervously fiddling with my pen, when instantly I got a reply from bri,

'Sent the message, all have replied but one, we'll see you in half an hour'

And seconds later 'the last has replied we'll all be there xx'


Brooke, Brooke, Brooke! argh I can't get over her.

Two days.

I get to see her again.

I swear I could have draw a picture of her with every detail to perfection, as I had stared at her for that long.

My mind took over.

I texted;

'Hey, still up for Sunday? I wasn't quite sure what time?'

She must have been on her phone, as momentarily I got a response.

'Haha yes, how's 11:30?'

'Great see you then x'

I left it at that. I didn't want to come across too strong.


I heard a thud at the door, and jumped off my bed, racing downstairs.

"Heyy" I heard with a chorus of voices.

We all piled into the lounge.

There was Stef; she had a bit of well, a boy phobia. But every guy that sees her crushes

Bri; confident, but still single, don't know why...?

Mik: gorgeous, bubbly and an amazing dancer who loves 1D.

Leah: super short, AMAZING chocolate brown hair.

And me: the musical one.

We all sat in a circle.

Mik started the conversation "so what's the verdict? What are we all here?"

The were nods from everyone.

I began "look, I was at my audition and-"

"You got in we know" bri said, with a smirk before nudging me in the shoulder as if I hadn't said it enough.

"Let me finish" I insisted "there is a guy there who came up to me on day one, after my audition. He went to slots before me, so I saw his audition. It was amazing"


"I can't rush it geez! Anyway so he came up to me at the end and was like wow you were incredible! But before I could ask much about him he was gone."

"Sssoooooo???" Leah was leaning on the edge of her seat.

"So, he came back yesterday and I was sitting alone in a room singing through my new music, and I stopped because I was missing a page, only to hear a voice from behind."

"NO WAY" mik was doing a little dance.

"Anddd" I added "he was like wow! That was amazing etc. But then..." I stopped, as everyone's faces were staring at me waiting for me to finish.

"He asked me out...!"



Bit of a long update but I had so many ideas!

Please help me get my reads up!!

Thanks to my friends who made me update ahahaha :)

Brittany <3

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