Chapter 2

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I woke up with the sun shining on my face. I closed my eyes again hoping to get a bit more sleep, I rolled over to get away from the light when I accidentally kicked something. At first I thought that I had just left something on my bed but then the object groaned and moved, I quickly sat up to see who had invaded my space," Eren?!" I squeaked," What are you doing?" The only reply I got was another groan. I gave him a quick shove but to no avail. I decided to go one step further and kick him in the gut. I kicked him pretty hard and he sat bolt upright," Amber?" He groaned.

" Finally, you're awake." I said," Just one question, Eren, Why are you here?" I asked with a questioning look. " I..ah.. must of fallen asleep." He answered with a sheepish grin."What do you mean you just 'fell asleep'?" I said," Last night I said that I would stay by your side until I fell asleep but I guess I fell asleep as well." Eren replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I laughed at him, he looked back at me with a surprised expression,"What?" he asked looking away from me, he was obviously embarassed," Nothing, you just look cute when your embarassed." I said while I giggled.

He turned his face so it was suddenly centimetres away from mine,"W-What are you d-doing, Eren?" I stuttered," Who's nervous now, Amber?" He whispered into my ear, sending a shudder down my back,"E-Eren?" I managed to squeak. I was about to move away from him when his lips connected to mine, I froze with shock, almost too scared to kiss back. I finally melted into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck. When the kiss finally ended Eren stood and started heading towards the door," I'm sorry Amber, I shouldn't have done that." He said while looking down at the ground." Wait! Eren!" I called after him as he walked out of the dorm."Eren."I wispered.

I decided to not waste anymore time thinking about Eren, I had to get ready to leave. I shoved all the items that I owned into a bag and walked out into the fresh morning air, I inhaled deeply trying to clear my mind. I still felt shocked and I couldn't calm myself completely so I decided to skip breakfast. I sat underneath a old oak tree as I waited for our pick up time. The soft breeze was warm and apparently it was enough to put me to sleep.

"Tch, brat wake up." I heard a annoyed voice say, I groaned and shifted slightly to the left. I gasped as something cold stung my face," Shit! what the fuck was that for?!" I yelled. I wiped the cold water out of my eyes and looked to see who my abuser was," C-Captain Levi?" I stuttered,"I'm deeply sorry for my language before." I said while quickly standing and saluting," Tch, your fucking lucky that I woke you up, brat." He sneered," We were about to leave without you." I looked over to see that everyone who was joining the Survey Corps was already on a horse, ready to leave." Now the only problem is that we don't have a spare horse for you so you're going to have to ride with me, brat." Levi said sounding extra annoyed. I followed Levi back to his horse, he quickly mounted and then offered his hand to me. I gripped his hand and he pulled me up behind him on the horse.

"Hold on." Levi stated. My cheeks flushed pink, usually I'd be fine with something like this but somehow I felt that having my arms around Levi would be too inappropriate. He kicked the horse on and I was almost left behind but I quickly decided that holding on to Levi would be less embrassing than ending up in the dirt. As I held onto Levi for dear life I couldn't help but notice how built he was under his clothing," You seem to be enjoying touching me." I heard him say to me. I quickly released my tight grip and tried to hide my now blushing face from Levi. I don't know what brought it on but suddenly I had butterflies fluttering around in my stomach, I guessed that it must of been from Levi. We rode for at lease another hour before we had reached the Survey Corps HQ, I was tired and hungry but I knew I wasn't going to be let off that easy. "Cadet." I heard Levi call from behind me, I sighed turning to face him.

"Yes, Captain?" I asked," I need you to take care of my horse for me." He said, handing me the reins. I led his horse into a empty stable and began to remove the saddle and bridle, then brushing the horse down so that he was almost spotless. It was nice being around animals again, I usually prefer animals to humans because all animals wanted was love and attention. I stayed in the stable for a good two hours before I heard someone behind me. I tensed up, to scared to face the person behind me.

Shifter (Levi x OC x Eren)Where stories live. Discover now