Chapter 4

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I sat up clutching my head, it was throbbing from a headache,"Ow." I groaned, I suddenly forgot all about the pain in my head when I realised that I was sitting on a bed in a strange room.'How the hell did I get here?' I thought to myself. I was startled when a door across the room was opened, revealing a shirtless Levi. I felt my cheeks heat up and found the ground very interesting," I-, uh, sorry Captain I'll leave now." I stuttered, heading towards the door." Wait, cadet, I didn't give you permission to leave." Levi called. My hand froze just above the door handle, I had to follow his orders. I turned and stood in front of him still looking at the ground," Look at me, brat." Levi demanded, I lifted my eyes to meet his which happened to be filled with concern, just like last night.

"Are you okay, Amber?" He asked, my eyes widened at the use of my first name and I was just about to answer when a shock of pain came from my wrist. I held my wrist gently and whimpered in pain, Levi had unexpectedly ended up at my side. He took my wrist in his hands and gently ran his finger tips along the bruised flesh. I winced at the pain that shot through my body, he instantly removed his hand from my arm." I believe that it's dislocated." Levi informed me. I grimaced, knowing that it had to be put back in place.

"Do it." I said determinedly," It needs to be done." He looked at me and sighed,"We really should get someone trained to do it." He said frowning," It needs to be put back in place quickly." I said," And I trust you to do it." I added. He picked up my arm once again," Are you sure?" Levi questioned," Yes, I want it to be over with." I stated. I shifted slightly as he tightened his grip on my wrist," Ready?" he whispered,"Go" I whispered back.

It felt like I was hit by a bolt of lightning, the pain was immense. I screamed in pain as tears rolled down my cheeks, I curled into a ball wishing for the pain to disappear."I'm going to kill Jaeger after this." Levi growled, I then felt his hand on my cheek wiping my tears away," Thank you." I whispered before passing out from the pain.

I awoke once again that morning but instead of waking up in a bed, I had been in Levi's arms the entire time and apparently he had fallen asleep as well. I struggled against his grip but he held on tight, even in his sleep he was strong. I turned my head to face him and noticed how at peace he looked while sleeping, the frown that he usually wore has gone and he seemed to look younger than what he was. After studying his face, I realised that he was still shirtless. I stared at his toned stomach, unable to look away," I hope your enjoying the view." Levi muttered with a slight smirk. My cheeks burned bright red, I couldn't believe that I let myself do that again."Sorry." I said quietly trying to move away," I never said you could leave." He whispered huskily, pulling me back down.

Levi pulled me back down into his arms and placed his lips onto mine. I started to panic, all I could think of is what happen last time someone tried to kiss me. Apparently it had left me scarred. I pushed Levi away from me, desperate to make him stop." I-I'm s-sorry, Captain." I whimpered," I can't quite do this at the moment." I quickly stood before he could protest and headed towards the door,"Amber, stop." I heard Levi call from behind me, I ignored him and pushed the door open. I ran through HQ to find the exit, upon finding it I headed straight towards the stable. Somehow the horses managed to calm me down by nuzzling me for attention and to search my pockets for sugar cubes. I skimmed my eye's along the clipboard to find which horse had been assigned to me," Stable 7, Dawn." I muttered to myself. I headed down the past the stalls until I found number 7.

A pure white horse stuck it's head out of the stall," Hey there girl, looks like I'll be looking after you for now." I whispered to the horse while stroking her muzzle. I looked around to find a brush and once I had found one I entered Dawn's stall. I brushed down her whole coat and by the end I was covered in white hair and dirt. I found her bridle which was hanging directly outside her stall, I slipped the bridle over her ears and secured the buckles. I easily vaulted onto her back and I turned her towards the open gates of HQ.

I decided to wander around through the forest for a while just to clear my mind and as soon as I found a clear strip of land I pushed Dawn up into a gallop. I felt free, the wind blew my hair back off my face letting fly behind me like a banner. The clear piece of land was starting to become dense with tree so I pulled Dawn back down to a walk letting her take a break while we headed back to HQ. Once we reached HQ I brushed Dawn down and gave her her feed. I sighed and started walking back to my room. As I walked into my room I spotted a small piece of paper lying on the floor. It read:

Dear Amber,

I am sincerely sorry for my actions last night and I would like to begin again. I hope you can forgive me and realise that it was a horrible mistake that I made. 

Again I am very sorry,

From Eren

I didn't know if I could ever forgive Eren for hurting me although he said that it was a mistake but he had scarred me and it would take all my will to forgive him, all I could do was try.

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