Chapter 10

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A/N: This will probably be the last chapter before I break it off to different endings so yeah hope you've enjoyed my shitty writing ^-^. Heh well I don't know how this will end but I'll get around to it :P. HERE IT IS. ENJOY.

I laid there, unable to move. I felt my heart rate start to race, he face came closer to mine until I was able to feel his hot breath on my lips. He stared down at me with a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips, I tried to speak but only small squeaks came out. My heart got to a speed where it almost felt as though it was about to burst out of my chest, I tried to keep my breath steady but utterly failed. Levi's lips connected with mine, sending sparks all throughout my body, he asked to deepen the kiss and I acepted. Our lips moved in perfect harmony, no imperfectios were found. He suddenly pulled away,"You're beautiful, you know." He whispered, my cheeks heated up at his complement,"T-Thank you." I muttered looking away. His hand came up to my face and swept the hair away that was covering my eye's," You truly are beautiful, don't let anyone else tell you different." He said, gently placing his lips back on mine but only for a few seconds," I suppose we have to get up." I said.

I went to stand up but was brought back down by Levi," We don't have to go, if you don't want to." He said as he nuzzled his face into my neck," I don't want to be late for training." I whinned," Tch, I'll let you go but first you have to pay me." He smirked, I sighed and turned to face him," Fine." I cupped my hands  around his cheeks and placed a quick kiss on his lips."Good enough?" I asked," For now." He replied, still smirking. He released his grip around my waist," Thanks." I said as I walked out of his room and straight into Hanji," Sorry!" I cringed," It's fine." She said with a smile," But I'm really curious as to why you are coming out of Captian Levi's room this morning." She said with a smirk on her face," I-um, we-ah." I stuttered," I have no explanation right at the moment." I said looking down at the ground as my cheek burned," Ok-ay then." Hanji said in a sing-song voice as she walked away.

I shook my head and continued to my room, it felt as though I had a million things to go through before I could continue on with my life. As I reached my room I sensed someone behind me, I turned to find Jean standing in front of me," Hey, Amber." He started," I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to cause any problems." I gave him a small smile," It's fine, I kinda got it sorted out in the end." He stood there akwardly before saying,"I better go." He turned and walked down the hall. I let out a sigh and shut myself in my room.

I quickly readied myself and headed towards the dining hall, as soon as I entered I felt the room go cold. All of the ocupants fell silent, I walked down the middle of the room to get my food. I ignored the cold glares on my back as I ate by myself and as soon as I had finished I walked as fast as I could towards the door. Before I reach the door handle, I felt myself get pulled back by the collar," Whatcha going to do now, Bitch." I heard a voice spit in my face, I looked to see that it was Reiner.

I couldn't believe that he would do this, we were in the same training squad, I thought of him as my friend. He shoved me up against the wall, earning a loud crack from my head. My vision went slightly blury, he continued to punch me in the stomach causing me to cry out in pain. He dropped me to the ground and started kicking me in the stomach,"That's for being a traitot." He snarled. He left me lying on the ground surrounded in a pool of my own blood. I gasped for air which seemed to refuse to enter my lungs, I looked up to see Eren entering the room. He eye's instantly connected with mine, He came rushing over to my side," It was all my fault." I whispered before the darkness engulfed my vision.

I awoke to find myself in the infirmary, I groaned as I tried to sit up. My muscles were sore but any bones that had been broken had already repaired themselves, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up and started heading back to my room. I made my way down the hallway and I eventually made it to my room, I walked in and shut the door to block out the outside world. I went and laid down on my bed, I was glad to be alone to be away from everyone. My thought were rudely interupted by a knock at the door," Come in." I grumbled, the door slid open to reveal Eren standing there with a concered look upon his face." Thank god you're here, Amber." He sighed as he walked towards me," I went to the infirmary to look for you but you were already gone." He continued," Yeah, sorry about that." I said looking up at him.

He dragged me off my bed and into his chest," I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." He sighed as he stroked my hair," It's fine, it wasn't that bad." I replied," Yes it was." He frowned. He lifted my chin up and softly kissed me," I'm sorry." He whisper once again, once he had pulled away. I looked him in the eye's," I can take care of myself, ya know." I said, giving him a half smile. He pulled away and left me to think by myself.

A/N: Sorry quick a/n! I'll be breaking it off into different endings now so, this will be finished soon. Thanks for reading this far and putting up with probably sooooo many spelling mistakes (and grammar mistakes). Anyway, thanks again. ^-^

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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