Training a child 2

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    To be available is very important to build any strong and healthy family,but also work hard so as to shield your children from discomfort.

    To be available is very important to build any strong and healthy family,but also work hard so as to shield your children from discomfort

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    Always make the children know they can't have everything in life they can think of,except your training.

   God designed children to be the results of the coming together of man and woman ( marriage), so they should be treated and brought up like results of a meaningful and strong bond like marriage

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   God designed children to be the results of the coming together of man and woman ( marriage), so they should be treated and brought up like results of a meaningful and strong bond like marriage.

   God designed children to be the results of the coming together of man and woman ( marriage), so they should be treated and brought up like results of a meaningful and strong bond like marriage

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   Don't ever make your children feel like they own you or has control over life but they should know they have all support and encouragement they want from you.Parents should always be there for their children physically, mentally, socially, academically, financially and in every other possible way.

Parents should always be there for their children physically, mentally, socially, academically, financially and in every other possible way

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     We can also educate children in different ways especially in the way of God.If you have a child that doesn't learn the way you teach,then you must try to teach the way the child learns.

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   I already said this book is very short as it would be ending soon.
Thanks for reading this second part.

Train up a child(book 1)of the children SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now