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He whispered, his eyes betrayed the thunder of emotions he was feeling, happiness and love surrounded his entire being.

Her eyes lit up as well and her body was radiating the sudden happiness she was feeling from finding her mate. A small smile was formed on her lips and he couldn't hide his. His mate was finally here with him, the one that was created for him, to cherish and love until the end of time.

Without realising it he stopped and stared, she had straight blond hair down to her shoulders and piercing blue eyes. Her complexion was pale with pink undertones and the veins on her arms were visible. She couldn't be more beautiful he thought happily and his wolf hummed in agreement.

After realising he was standing there without moving, he smiled sheepishly and went next to her. He softly placed his palms around her waist and pushed her closer to his body. He wrapped her in his arms and held her there, finally happy that he had found his mate. He made sure not to add too much pressure in order not to hurt her as he inhaled her scent.

She embraced his hug, not even bothered to hide her excitement. He thought that he was the reason of her happiness and he couldn't be more happy, that he already had an effect on her. He slightly tightened the grid around her giving her a light squeeze, happy himself as well as he had finally found his mate.

"What's your name beautiful" he asked with husky voice, the love in his tone was evident to who ever was in the room.

"Valerie" she said with a slight giggle as she had snuggle closer in his chest

"Valerie" he said testing her name with a sincere smile on his face

She turned to look at him, watching every small little detail on his face. Her eyes finally found his, her face not showing any emotion, making it hard to read, until a small smile formed on her lips. It wasn't as wide as his, but this was probably due to that his entire pack was watching intensely their every movement.

"I love you" she spoked softly as she lower her head once again, Sean's wolf hollowed in delight and he felt his heart flutter from how adorable she looked in that moment.

"I love you" he whispered closed to her ear and her body shivered, he couldn't determine if it was from happiness or not, but he couldn't believe that his mate, accepted him so fast. The bond between them was already becoming stronger.

Alpha Sean Dawson felt like he had everything, a man could wish for. He was the alpha of one of the greatest packs around the globe and he had finally found his other half, the luna of his pack and the one who will rule along side him.

Unfortunately his happiness was cut short one dreadful morning.

He didn't came back to his room until the sunrise, he had a lot of pack related business to finish. All night long he spend his time trying to short our everything, so the next couple of days he could spend them with his mate with no worry, as he had planed a big surprise for her.

During the night he felt a pain piercing his chest but he ignored it, he thought it was probably the mate bond that wanted him to be with his mate.

"Soon" was constantly reminding to himself in order to finish what he had started. And he finally finished, an entire week's work, a little later than eight in the morning. His thoughts all night long were occupied by his mate beauty, he couldn't waste any more minutes away from her, so he rushed to meet her.

Unfortunately what he saw that morning, scared him for life. His mate was wrapped in his brother arms, giggling care free as he placed small feather kisses on her neck. His entire body froze from the scene unfolding in front of him and the blood in his veins turned to ice. His mate turned to look at him with a smack smirk on her face, making sure his brother's mark was visible for his eyes to see.

Alpha Sean Dawson yesterday felt like he had anything, a pack to lead and a beautiful mate by his side. Until his life was turned upside down. His mate, mated with his brother and rejected him shortly after. He was heartbroken and weak to defend himself, and his own blood, his brother didn't missed his chance to stole his alpha title by humiliating him in front of his pack.

He was too weak to fight and he didn't care, all he wanted was his mate. His one and only, the one person who was made for him. But she wanted power, she wanted to rule and she didn't care with who, as long as she was the most powerful. She hated Sean and his kindness, she thought of him to be weak and weak she made him feel.

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