Chapter 1: Sean

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It's been a couple of months since the day of his downfall. That dreadful day that he was exiled from his pack after he was humiliated from the two people he thought they would never betrayed him. Since then, with no particular destination in mind he was walking and walking until he reached a new town, he couldn't remember what day it was, he felt like time stopped moving since that day.

He used to be an alpha, one he thought people loved and respected. Not in a million of years he would have thought that his own blood and his other half will do such thing. But life has a weird way of showing its humour, here he was now, without a pack, no one to love and definitely no one to trust.

Since the last day of September, he was wondering among the shadows in this new human town, he could smell and detect many werewolves, the scents were mixed as some where rouge and some where from other packs. His own scent was cover and no one would recognised him with the way he looked now. He indeed looked horrible from the outside just how he felt on the inside, but he couldn't give a damn as he was mourning.

Tonight was like any other night, he found a good spot behind a store and lay down to get some night rest. He was homeless for a while now and sleeping outside was something he got used to very fast, he was half of a wolf after all and staying outside helped with the voices inside his head. While he was sleeping like some homeless man, he smelled something, a rouge.

It wasn't an uncommon smell, as himself was one too now. He decided to shake of the feeling to attack, it wasn't his concern any more. His wolf though had another idea. He was restless and made it impossible for Sean to fall back asleep. Then he heard her.

A plea for mercy towards someone, who clearly wasn't going to give her any. He smelt her fear radiating from her body and that was it. He abruptly stood up and follow the sobs of the woman he heard.

What he witnessed made him angry for some reason he couldn't understand.

A small figure was laying on the floor hugging her knees to her self and she was crying. He could smell copper around her and he knew that the wolf in front of her, was hurting her. He stayed in the shadows to hear what the rouge was saying. The small necklace made of rope, around his neck was masking his scent so the rouge can't smell him and figure he is there, so he stayed quiet.

"I ask politely but you refuse to please me bitch" he snarled and with his sentence finished he grabbed the girl from her hair and pulled her upwards, to meet his eyes, she was way shorted than him and her figure too petite. Even if she tried to fight, she wasn't a match for him. Sean knew that and before the rouge had chance to continue with his assault his lunged at him, without making any sound.

The girl felt a rush of air passing and then she fell to her knees, she was too weak from the earlier beating she had, to even stand up. She couldn't see clearly what was happening around her, the alley was too dark for her poor vision. She tried to stand up and when she finally managed to, she heard a sound that paralysed her entire body. She heard someones bones cracked, it was a mere of seconds and then she heard something heavy landing on the ground with a loud pat, that echoed in the entire perimeter of the dark alley.

She sensed the danger but she couldn't move, her blood turned cold and she knew she was next. Silent tears fell from her eyes as she felt a presence behind her. She still couldn't move, she couldn't even face her own murdered.

"Are you alright?" a deep husky voice was heard from behind her. He was panting trying to catch his breath. She gulped the limp that form on her throat. Slowly she turned around and she was face with a very tall and muscular guy. She started from the bottom checking him shamelessly out and when she reach his eyes, she gasped. Even if his entire posture scream danger and he was indeed very intimidated his eyes told another story, she saw misery and a lot of pain.

She couldn't form a proper sentence to even thank him. Suddenly a sharp pain pierced the side of her head, it was so strong that made her loose her balance. Sean immediately grabbed her gently in his muscular arms before she lands on the ground.

She grit her teeth as strong as she could to muffle her screams and to ease the pain but it wasn't working. The pain was too much up to the point it was unbearable, she start whimpering and Sean pull her towards his chest and picked her up in bridal style.

"Don't worry... just stay with me.. Stay with me" he was keep telling her but her eyes were already closed. He could hear her faint heart beat that made him run faster. He didn't have a lot of time, she was bleeding from the back of her head and she was barely conscious.

He swore under his breath, something that he never did while he was alpha but leaving outside his pack for the first time in his life, forced him to change, a lot. But something he never felt, curled inside his soul. Guilt, he should had come earlier, he shouldn't had stay in the shadows, he should had attack earlier.

While running he lowered his eyes toward the girl who was barely conscious in his arms, the dim light from the moon was making her skin glow. Beautiful he thought, but he pushed those thoughts in the back of his head, he had a mate, one who rejected him but he still had her. It was wrong from him to believe that someone else was more beautiful than her. But it was true.

Even though he never met this girl, he prayed to the moon goddess to save her. She couldn't die because he didn't save her sooner. She just couldn't.

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