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AN:/ Italics are inner thoughts or significant words

*Donghyuk's POV*

I took a deep breath as I headed upstairs. Our shared bedroom door was shut, I stood in front of it and hesitated before knocking. "What is it Donghyuk?" Mark said in a very tired tone. I opened the door letting myself in. I saw Mark just sitting on the bed listening to music as if he didn't just see his boyfriend cheating on him. "We need to talk Mark." He flashed me an 'obviously' look and took out his headphones. I sat on the bed with him, "Do you love me?" He asked before I could say anything. I didn't know how to respond. I don't really but I can't just say it to his face as if this past month or so haven't meant shit to me. Despite me not feeling anything I cared a lot about our relationship and friendship.

I lowered my head and sighed, "I don't Mark...I'm sorry I just don't feel anything when I'm with you. I love Renjun. I cheated on you with him behind your back and that is unforgivable." Tears started to fall from my eyes and I started sniffing uncontrollably. I paused and released a shaky breath. "I can't do this anymore Mark, it's shitty of me I know and I'm sorry I broke your trust..." I looked up from my lap and noticed the tears going down his face, "I have something to tell you as well...Last week I got drunk with some of my friends and hooked up with this random girl. I can't stop thinking about her...Don't apologize to me as if I'm better than you. I'm not..." His words shocked me I was hurt. Hurt that he had sex with someone behind my back. Hurt that I beat myself up so much for kissing Renjun. He wasn't any better than I was. Despite what he did I couldn't hate him.

"Donghyuk...I couldn't stop thinking about her so I met up with her and we started talking a such. I loved you. I truly did and I knew I wasn't getting the same feelings back but I never said anything. They way you feel about Renjun is the same way I feel about this her." I nodded my putting my face in my hands and letting out a sob. After a bit I managed to calm myself down, "I think we should break up." I said firmly and Mark nodded in agreement, "I think so too..." He got up and started heading towards the door. "I assume you want to move out?" He said with a sniff. I looked at him and nodded. "Alright, take as much time as you need to move." He went to leave but before he could I called out to him, "Mark...Thanks for everything." Mark gave me a sad look, "I don't deserve your thanks." And with that he left.

I spent the next couple of hours packing and cleaning up. I don't have to pack much just clothes, shoes, my laptop, and my books. I left most of my other stuff back at my old place. I had about 4 large suitcases filled with all my belongings. I carefully took them one at a time downstairs. After my 4th Mark was waiting for me at the door, "I'll drive you...So you don't have to carry them." I gave him a small smile, "Thank you." We each grabbed 2 suitcases and went to the car. The short drive there was completely silent. Was it awkward? Honestly, I couldn't tell. I started to think a bit about the future. Will me and Mark continue to be friends? Will me and Renjun end up together? I hoped the answer to both those questions were a yes.

Eventually we arrived and Mark helped me move my suitcases to the front porch. He was about to pull away but I grabbed his arm to stop him. Mark turned around giving me a questioning look. I pulled him into a hug which he returned. After a moment I pulled away. He gave me a warm smile before walking back to his car. My eyes followed him as he drove away. I turned my attention back to the house. I knocked on the door since my keys were in one of my suitcases. A very happy Jeno opened the door, "Holy shit! You're moving back in?!?!" I laughed a bit and nodded. Jeno pulled me into a tight hug which I gladly returned.

"I've missed you guys...It's good to be home." Jeno flashed me his award winning smile and helped me bring my luggage up the stairs and into my old room. "Thanks a lot for allowing me to come back and for helping me." "No problem. Remember, when you left I said that you'll always have a place here and the others agreed." I smiled and pulled him into another hug. Jeno headed back downstairs and I shut my door behind him. I took a minute to take in my room. My faded blue walls, empty closet, posters under my bed that I still need to hang up, my desk covered in spongebob stickers, and a dent in the floor from when I dropped a dumbell on Jaemin's foot.

I took a deep breath and threw myself onto my old bed. I dug my face into my pillow and laid there for a bit. After a couple minutes I heard my door open and shut. I sat up and saw Renjun giving me a smile. I got up and hugged him. We stood there for a while just hugging. "I'm glad you moved back in Donghyuk." "So am I." "What happened with you and Mark? If you don't mind my asking." "I told him the truth and he said that he hooked up with this girl and couldn't stop thinking about her." Renjun pulled away and gave me a shocked look, "Wow that's crazy." I nodded my head, "Yeah, I'm just glad he was honest with me. I truly hope they have a good relationship." "So you guys...Broke up?" I nodded my head, "Yeah." "So that means I could kiss you and it wouldn't be considered cheating?" I laughed a bit and nodded.

So as if on cue Renjun leaned it planting a kiss on my lips. I kissed back. Enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine. Then he pulled away much to my dismay. "Are we...dating now?" He asked with a slight blush on his face. I laughed at his cuteness, "Yeah we're dating now." I went to lean in for another kiss but he leaned away, "I have to tell you something..." I saw the look in his eyes and immediately got scared. I rested my hands on his cheeks forcing him to look me in the eye. "What's wrong Renjun?" He took a shaky breath, "I relapsed during the 2 weeks we weren't talking." Tears started to burn my eyes and I hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry Renjun." He immediately shook his head, "Please don't apologize it wasn't your fault, I promise." I couldn't believe him though. I knew I was the one to blame.

"I'm sorry I didn't call you..." I shook my head, "No Jun, it's okay. I'm glad you told me." He started to cry as he burried his face in my shoulder. "I want to get better but it's so fucking hard sometimes." I pulled away from him and rested my hand on his cheek. "You can get better. I'll be here every step of the way. Renjun I love you and I will be by your side forever." He grabbed my hand from his cheek and gently held it in his causing me to smile. He smiled back at me, "I love you too Donghyuk." He put his lips on mine once again. My face heated, my heart raced, and my legs got weak. This must be what love feels like.

AN:/ WOOOO I finished! Thank you so much for reading I really hope you enjoyed this book. This is literally the fastest I've ever written anything. I so proud on how this story turned out. Thanks again for reading!

 Thanks again for reading!

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