Chapter One

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Hello hello! Here's a new story I've been working on. I haven't gotten very far so I may not update too soon, but I thought I'd give you all a taste of it. It's relatively predictable and will probably be more fluffy than angsty, so if you've read my other works, this is not going to be anything like that. My girlfriend gave me this idea and I just kind of ran with it. I mean, who doesn't love fake dating AUs with their OTPs?

But, since I don't write fanfics, I made myself a fake dating story with some original characters. Without further ado, here is the first chapter of Best of Me.



Chapter One:

            "Hi, Mom," I sigh into the receiver of my cellphone. I was hastily packing my bag to leave work for the day when she called. With my work laptop stowed away safely, I head out of the admissions building of New Cresthill University. A few of my coworker's wave goodbye as I exit the building.

            "Honey? Are you there?" My mom, Celeste—CeCe to her loved ones—questions through the phone.

            "Mom, I already said hi," I say shifting my bag on my shoulder.

            "Theodora do not get an attitude with me," She scolds. I roll my eyes thankful she couldn't see me. My mom is a loving women, she has always supported my siblings and I through everything we do. But she tends to take things too seriously and is very strict. Respect is big in her family, and therefore it's big in our family.

            "Sorry, it's been a long day at work." I cross the main street of campus and head toward the staff parking lot. "I received a lot of criticism for my marketing designs today."

            "Well, dear, take the criticism and become better for it," She says matter-of-factly. "And don't take it out on your poor mother."

            "Yes, yes, mom, I know," I say digging for my car keys as I approach my car. "I'll work harder, I always do."

            "I know, Theo, you're dedicated and that's why you're successful," My mom says happily. She takes pride in her children's accomplishments as much as her own. She's big on teaching us life lessons and getting us to see the "bigger picture." She does it to her students at the high school she works at, and she does it to her kids. My siblings and I are well past high school age, but she still imparts the knowledge on us that she shares with her students.

            "Thanks, mom." I settle into the driver's seat and toss my bags onto the passenger side. "Is there a particular reason you called?" The car rumbles to life as I turn the key in the ignition.

            "Oh, right, yes," She says. "When are you coming down for the holidays? Your brothers and sister are going to be here next week." My stomach drops at the mention of the impending holidays. It's been a while since I've been home and surrounded by my family. I love them more than anything, but they tend to treat me like I'm a fragile princess ever since Mae died.

            "Um, I can make it home in the middle of next week," I respond running my fingers through my hair anxiously. I don't bother to drive off yet, too distracted by my mom's phone call. "I've gotta finish up this project before I can leave for the holidays."

            "Is your girlfriend, Riley, coming with you?" My mom asks. "You've been together for nearly a year and none of us have even seen her, we're starting to think she doesn't exist and you made her up after Mae died."

            "She-she does exist," I stutter into the phone caught off guard. "I'll have to ask her though."

            "You haven't had this conversation yet?" My mom says in surprise.

            "I-I mean," I pause trying to collect my thoughts. "She'll be there, mom. I just have to double check on the date we'll get to the house because of her work schedule."

            "Oh! Okay, that's fine, Theo. Let me know," She says. "Bye, honey!" She hangs up before I can say anything else. A long groan falls from my lips and my head drops onto my steering wheel. The car horn blares for a prolonged moment before I lift my head back up in dismay.

            It may be a bit awkward to show up to Christmas with my family with a girlfriend. Especially because she doesn't exist.


I hope you enjoyed this short little introductory chapter. I will hopefully get another chapter up soon.

Let me know what you think!

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