Best Big Brother in the World

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Peter couldn't stop bouncing the entire flight back to New York.  It was Christmas break and he was finally going back to New York with May to spend the holiday with the Starks.  Mr. Stark had sent a private jet out to bring them and Ned back to New York knowing full well how excited Peter would be to get back.  Even if Ned was spending the holiday in Vermont with his family, he still flew up in the private jet so he could drive to his grandparents' house with his parents.

"Bye, Peter!"  Ned called, waving as he got in his parents' car.  Peter waved back then tumbled into the backseat of the car Happy had brought.  He was a little disappointed Mr. Stark hadn't come to pick them up, but he knew it was a busy time for Stark Industries.  Besides, he had almost an entire month to spend with Mr. Stark and his family.

"Welcome back,"  Happy said, opening the door for May to get in then nodding at Peter.

"Hey, Happy!"  Peter cheered, sliding into the car behind May.  Happy shut the door then got back in the driver's seat.  They were driving through New York traffic towards the Tower minutes later and Peter still hadn't stopped bouncing.

Happy and May caught up during the drive while Peter happily looked out the window and tapped his fingers on his leg.  He was the first to spot the Tower and loudly announced it, grinning at the giant tree on the plaza outside.  May smiled at him and didn't bother holding him back when he jumped out of the car and raced inside.  He left his suitcase in the trunk, but Happy grabbed it for him and he and May followed at a much slower pace.

As soon as Peter had reached the penthouse floor, he raced out of the elevator and into the living room.  Just as the elevator doors had opened, a small head of dark curls bounced up from behind the couch and Peter knew exactly who it was.  He hadn't wasted any time in diving onto the couch and attacking the four year old in playful tickling.

"Petey!"  Morgan squealed, throwing her arms around Peter's neck.  Peter hugged her and got off the couch, spinning her around in circles as she shrieked happily.

"Morgan!"  Peter yelled, spinning until even he was dizzy.  He collapsed on the couch with Morgan on top of him in a fit of giggles.

"I missed you,"  she declared, sitting up on his lap and facing him.

"I miss you too,"  he replied.

"I thought I heard a visitor,"  a voice said from behind him.  Peter craned his neck to see who was standing behind him and grinned at an upside down Pepper.  He gently shoved Morgan off his lap and stood up to hug Pepper tightly.

"Hi, Pepper!"  he greeted happily.  Pepper kissed his cheek and pulled away, looking down at Morgan who was standing on the couch cushions.

"We missed you, didn't we, Morgan?"  she said, reaching forward to rub her daughter's cheek.  Morgan grinned wider and nodded enthusiastically.  She threw her arms around Peter's waist and looked up at Pepper.

"I missed him mostest!"  she announced.  Pepper smiled at her.

"I'm sure you did,"  she replied.  The elevator dinged again and Pepper disappeared to greet May and Happy while Peter and Morgan chatted in the living room.

Morgan told Peter all about her adventures at pre-school and how she was already top of her class.  This came as no surprise to Peter after how often she was in the lab with him and Tony.  Considering both Pepper and Tony Stark were her parents, he figured it would be more of a surprise if she had a normal amount of intelligence.  Both her parents were brilliant and powerful people so it only made sense Morgan would be too.

"Is there another kid in here?"  Tony asked, wandering into the living room an hour later.  Peter and Morgan jumped up to hug Tony and he nearly toppled over at the double collision.  He chuckled and put a hand on Morgan's curly dark hair and wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulders.

"Petey's back, Daddy!"  Morgan told him.  Tony grinned down at her then picked her up to be even with him and Peter.  He held her up with one arm and kept the other one around Peter.

"I see that,"  Tony replied.  He messed up Peter's hair and Peter swatted his hand away with smile.  "Did you tell him how he's the best big brother in the world?"

"He's always the bestest,"  Morgan told him.  Tony smiled and set Morgan on the ground.

"Then go get him the present you made him,"  he reminded her.  Morgan's eyes widened and she shot off to her room to grab her creation.  While she was gone, Tony turned to Peter and hugged him tightly.  "I'm glad you're home.  We missed you,"  he said.

"You saw me three days ago,"  Peter said.  Tony shrugged but kept Peter in a hug.

"Still missed you,"  he replied.  He let Peter go and glanced behind him where Morgan had disappeared to.  "You really are the best big brother in the world."

"Morgan's the best baby sister in the world,"  Peter said.  Tony smiled softly but before he could say anything else, they were interrupted by Morgan running back to them waving a picture.  She excitedly handed it to Peter who knelt down to her height.

"That's me, you, Daddy, and Mommy,"  she explained, pointing to each figure.  Peter smiled and picked her up in one arm.

"It's awesome,"  Peter told her.  He handed Tony the carefully drawn picture and told Morgan, "Dad will make sure it stays safe until I leave.  That way I don't lose it."

"Don't lose it, Daddy,"  Morgan said, narrowing her eyes at Tony.

"Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart,"  he replied, rubbing her head and making her squirm in Peter's arms.  "Now scram.  Didn't you want Peter to help you wrap your presents for Christmas?"

"Yeah!"  Morgan cheered.  Peter smiled at Tony then headed down the hall towards Morgan's room, listening as she explained to him she'd gotten presents with Pepper but wanted him to help her wrap them since he made the best bows.  Peter didn't mind in the least.  If Morgan wanted him to make bows all break just so she could hang out with him, he was more than willing.

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