When You're the CEO's Apprentice but Don't Know What A Meeting Involves

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This is similar to one of my other one-shots, but I really liked it so here it is again varied a little. Hope you like Spideychelle!

We're also going to pretend Harry Osborn never turned evil and him and Peter are still good friends. 😁

Pepper walked into Peter's office to find him fast asleep on his couch, head on Michelle's stomach as she worked on her laptop set on his back. One of Michelle's legs was bent and pressed into the couch by Peter's body while the other was stuck under his unconscious body. She glanced up at Pepper when she heard the door open and ran a hand through Peter's mess of hair.

"How long has he been asleep?" Pepper asked, looking at Peter.

"About an hour," Michelle replied. She moved her laptop off Peter's back and onto the ground but kept it open so she wouldn't have to log back in after Pepper left. "He was up late patrolling last night."

"I thought he'd stopped going out so often," Pepper frowned. Michelle glanced down at Peter who was soundly snuggled against her.

"He did," she said. "Just, when he can't sleep he goes out."

"Didn't Tony make something to help him sleep?" Pepper asked. Michelle shrugged and looked back up at her.

"Yeah, but his nightmares are worse when he uses them, so he doesn't," she told her. Pepper pursed her lips and nodded. She set a stack of papers on Peter's desk quietly then turned back to Michelle and Peter.

"Make sure he's awake enough for his meeting in an hour," she said. Michelle nodded and promised she would, watching as Pepper left Peter's office. Once Pepper was gone, Michelle poked Peter's side to wake him up. He barely shifted and she frowned. Great, she was going to have to wake him up from a good sleep which he rarely got anymore.

"Peter, wake up," she told him, poking him repeatedly. He groaned and made a bad attempt at swatting her away before snuggling closer. "No, you have a meeting in an hour. You can't go to sleep."

"I wanna," he moaned. Michelle ran her hand through his hair then slowly began to stand up. He protested sleepily as she sat up and moved her legs off the edge of the couch. He sat up as well and glared at the opposite wall as Michelle closed her laptop and stood up. He stayed seated on the couch as he slowly woke up.

"You have to be in the car in half an hour," she told him. Peter nodded groggily and watched as she walked out of his office.

It took him about ten minutes before he was awake enough to start gathering stuff for his meeting. He was supposed to go to Oscorp and meet with Harry Osborn. The idea was that it would be about business and how Stark Industries and Oscorp could improve their relations and work together, but Peter was fairly certain he and Harry would just talk about other things the whole time. Now that Harry was in charge of Oscorp and Peter would be taking over SI in a year, they were trying to work together so the two companies weren't battling over investors. Peter was pretty confident they could figure something out since he and Harry were friends and their companies were different enough the problem wasn't that they were fighting for sellers.

Peter knew Tony and Pepper probably wanted him to at least try and look like the meeting would be formal, so he took the elevator up to his floor and changed into a shirt that wasn't wrinkled. He also grabbed a blazer then went back down to his office to grab his things. He ran into Michelle on his way out of his office and grinned.

"Headed off to see Harry?" she asked. Peter nodded and kissed her shortly. "Have fun."

"Will do," Peter promised.

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