A Duo For Life

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So, this is a new thing I decided to try. Not sure how well it will turn out, but I hope you all enjoy it! It definitely doesn't follow canon MCU timeline as you'll see, so don't hate on me for that. This is practically an AU like all the other one-shots.

Also, this assumes the age gap between Shuri and T'Challa is about 10 years as I couldn't find an exact number.

7 Years Old

Shuri wasn't too sure she wanted to go to America. Based on the very limited knowledge she had about it, it didn't seem like a place she'd enjoy. She preferred the advanced sciences she was able to take in Wakanda and the technology she was allowed to fiddle with. Going to America would mean she was missing out of extra days in the lab so her father could talk to one of America's smartest technology engineers. So no, she wasn't exactly looking forward to going to New York for three days no matter how the movies portrayed it.

"Come on, Shuri," T'Challa said, tugging on her hand to get her off their jet. Shuri skipped down the plank, looking over the edge of the tall skyscraper down at the small cars. She grinned and was about to look out further, but T'Challa tugged on her hand again and she was forced to follow her parents into the building.

"Shuri, Mr. Stark has a son about your age you can play with while we talk with Mr. Stark," Ramonda, Shuri's mother, said. Shuri nodded but wasn't too excited by the idea. Other seven year olds were boring in her mind. They just liked things like toy cars or dollies, but she much rather preferred engineering.

"Welcome, King T'Chaka and family," a voice overhead said. Shuri's head snapped up to look for the voice, but she couldn't see anything.

"That's JARVIS." Shuri looked forward to see a red-headed woman walking towards them with a smile. Strange. She didn't know people with red-hair really existed. She'd almost thought they were a myth the Internet had made up.

"What is it?" King T'Chaka asked, glancing back up at the ceiling briefly.

"He's the AI that runs the building," the woman said. "Tony designed him. If you'll follow me, I'll take you to him now."

Shuri let T'Challa guide her through the penthouse after their parents. It was hard to refrain from asking a hundred questions about JARVIS, but she knew her parents wouldn't appreciate it. If she was lucky, she could ask Mr. Stark how he made the AI then see if she could copy him. It sounded fun.

The red-headed woman led them to a room that was void of people except for a dark haired man. He seemed to be searching the room for something, but the room was empty save for a table, some chairs, and a cabinet. Suddenly, he jumped forward and pulled a chair out from under the table. Shuri's eyes widened as she realised there was a tiny boy curled up on it who erupted into giggles when the man grabbed him. The woman opened the door and both man and boy turned to look at her with identical smiles.

"Mama!" the little boy yelled, squirming out of the man's arms and racing over to see her. Shuri watched as the red-headed woman easily picked up the boy and kissed his cheek before setting him back down.

"Hey, baby," she said. "Mama and Daddy have to start a meeting, but there's a Princess here who might want to play with you."

Shuri's nose scrunched up but she didn't say anything. She definitely did not want to play with the boy. He looked as boring as someone could get. She was willing to bet he played with teddy bears and Hot Wheels.

"But Mama..." the little boy whined. "I want to be with Daddy in the lab."

"Sorry, bud," the man said, ruffling the boy's curls. "Maybe the Princess will join you." He looked up from his son to Shuri's father. "She likes engineering too, right? I think I recall you saying that."

"Yes," King T'Chaka said, turning and smiling at Shuri. Suddenly she didn't think this was such a bad idea. "Shuri loves technology. She would love to join Peter in the lab, I'm sure."

"Yeah!" Shuri piped up immediately. Peter—apparently that was the boy's name—grinned.

"I'm Peter," he said, sticking out a hand for her to shake. "I'm seven years old and I like engineering."

"I'm Shuri," Shuri said, shaking his hand firmly just like her father had taught her. "I'm seven too and I like engineering also."

"Wonderful!" the man—Shuri assumed this was Mr. Stark—exclaimed. "JARVIS, keep an eye on them. Peter, don't do anything you're not allowed to, okay?"

"Okay, Daddy!" Peter said happily. He turned back to Shuri and she let go of her brother's hand. "Come on, I'll show you to Daddy's lab. It's really cool."

17 Years Old

Peter was pretty sure he was going to kill Shuri. Not only had she called him via Kimoyo beads (yes, he had some. He was one of the first to get them) in the middle of his chemistry class to wish him 'Happy Birthday', she'd actually shown up in the school cafeteria with her brother and started a loud chorus of 'Happy Birthday'. Once it had finished, she'd proudly sat down beside Peter, saying a brief 'hello' to Ned, and began eating her peanut butter and Nutella sandwich.

"I swear, Shuri," Peter grumbled, swallowing his burrito irritably. "If you don't leave right now, I'm not coming to Wakanda this weekend."

"Yeah, you are," Shuri grinned. "You wanted to see my imitation sticky boots."

"I've changed my mind," Peter muttered. Shuri just grinned and continued eating her sandwich. Peter knew she was aware he wasn't serious, so he didn't even try to take back what he'd said. He'd known Shuri for nearly ten years at this point (9 years and 312 days; Karen kept track for him), he knew she wouldn't be offended. However, he was pretty sure he would kill her just because she'd decided a surprise visit to his school on his birthday was a good idea.

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