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As the ship touches down onto the surface of Altea, the Alteans gather around to see who has come to visit their planet.

After the realities were saved, a newly born planet came to existence; Altea, which became no longer extinct and became a home to the Alteans Honerva manipulated into helping her rip the fabric of space and time.

Lance exits the ship, and many of the Alteans cheer once they see this face.

One particular Altean, with honey blonde hair and purple eyes runs over and surprises Lance with a hug.

"Lance!" Romelle lets go of him after a few awkward phoebs (minutes) have passed. "It's been so long! How have you-"


Suddenly, a male Altean dashes over from behind the crowd at the speed of light and dives onto Lance like he was a safety net.

"WHAT THE QUIZNAK! CORAN, GET OFF OF ME!" Lance is crushed by the lovable royal advisor as he sobs and nearly squeezes the life out him.

"Where have you been, Lance? I've been waiting forever for you to call back and check up on us!"

Romelle scolds him. "Coran, you can't blame him. After all, from what I've gathered, life on Earth has been very busy lately. The humans are still trying to restore the planet to how it was before. Not that there was much to see when I got there." She smiles mischievously with Coran still wiping a few tears. 

After a few phoebs of small talking about how the planets are progressing towards reparations, Lance hears his name being called faintly across the horizon.

Over the Juniberry fields, he hears all of his old friends; Shiro, Keith, Pidge, and Hunk.

Coran almost sighs softly as he walks ahead of Lance. "I can't believe they're all here. I know they always make it no matter what comes up, but you can't help but feel relieved."

He trudges up the hills to the spot where they all are– where the statue of Altea's princess stands so perfectly, watching over her people as always.

Romelle pats him on the back, snapping him out of his deep thoughts. "Well, I should get found. I have duties. But I'll come over to check on you guys soon to escort you to where you'll be staying for the time being.

"And just know that the planets not the only thing she's watching." And with a flip of her pigtails, Romelle leaves.

And as usual, he can't help but feel joyed at the sight of the planet's natural and revived beauty.

"It's good to back, Allura." Lance smiles sadly at his beloved's statue.

He walks over to talk to his old Voltron teammates, the hole in his heart paused, but only for those few precious moments.

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