Chapter 1: The Crime

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A sequel to my How It Should Have Been book, it's not necessary that you read it but it does provide some context for how certain characters exist. Begin!


~Normal POV

"Sunny, make sure the kids get to bed on time ok?"

"Violet, you don't have to worry about a thing," Sunny responded casually, "The kids will be perfectly fine with me and Bea for a couple weeks."

Violet and Duncan tossed their suitcases in the trunk on the car. The adults were going on a 3 week vacation to France over the summer, and Sunny and Beatrice had been enlisted in watching the children during their own summer vacation from Whitmore Academy. Beatrice had been allowed to stay at the Baudelaire/Quagmire estate to help out while her parents, Dewey and Kit, were currently busy with V.F.D. business.

Klaus and Isadora hugged their daughter Lizzie and told her to stay safe. Violet and Duncan hugged Nikki and reminded her and her cousins to be good for their aunt. Quigley and Fiona hugged Sam and made sure to remind him to stay out of trouble while they're away. Once the adults said good-bye to the children Violet gave Sunny a list of rules for them to follow while the others are away.

"Now we'll be back on June 1st ok," Klaus said, "After all we want to be back in time for Lizzie's birthday."

"Of course," Sunny said, "And we'll all be right here waiting for you. Now you guys should get going or you'll miss your flight."

Violet and Klaus gave Sunny a hug before getting into the car with the others, mentioning that they would call to check on things as soon as they landed, and driving away.


Later that night Sunny and Beatrice put the kids to bed, they were all sleeping in Lizzie's room to keep them together, Sunny took the guest room and Beatrice slept on the couch. Sunny's pet snake Monty was asleep in his cage in the guest room, and Beatrice's pet bat Tawni was curled up on her perch in her cage. She had been brought by Beatrice to keep an eye on her. However, Sunny's promise about there being nothing to worry about while the parents were away was about to be broken.


Sunny woke up bright and early to make breakfast for everyone; she went downstairs and saw Beatrice still asleep on the couch. She smirked and tossed a pillow at her to wake her up.

"Ow, what the hell was that for Sunny?"

Sunny laughed, "Get up already! We don't want you oversleeping."

Beatrice groaned and opened her suit case to get out a change of clothes.

"I'm going to start making breakfast, once you're dressed can you wake up the kids?"

"Yeah I can do it, just give me a minute," Beatrice replied.

The baticeer went into the bathroom. Once she had finished her quick shower and changed into her day clothes she went upstairs to Lizzie's room.

Beatrice opened the door, "Kids it's time to-"

Sunny heard a loud scream come from upstairs. She dropped her cooking materials and went into the hall to investigate. Beatrice came running down the stairs in a frenzied panic.

"Bea what's wrong?!"

Beatrice handed Sunny a piece of paper and a few tears escaped her eyes. Sunny felt her heart stop when she read the paper:

To the Chef and the Baticeer:

"If you ever wish to see these kids again, agree to hand over the Baudelaire fortune."

Sunny felt rage fill her as she suddenly ripped the paper in half and looked at Beatrice who was now crying, "They're gone... Somebody took them..."

"They were here last night and now they've been taken! I can't believe we could let this happen! Oh, Sunny, I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!"

Beatrice was sobbing at this point; Sunny reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She debated calling Violet and breaking the news to the rest of the family. But she couldn't bring herself to do it. There had to be another way. Suddenly, an idea fell into her head.

"Bea, where are your parents right now?"

Beatrice sniffled, "I think they're at the Hotel; they definitely aren't back at our house. They've had a lot of organization business to do lately."

"I'm going to call Trevor; he may not be a volunteer, but we need all the help we can get," Sunny replied, "You go into the library and behind Klaus' desk is a wall safe. The combination is 28-31-7, once you've got it open grab the spy-glasses, and the two commonplace books and bring them to me."

Beatrice nodded and hurried out of the room as Sunny dialed Trevor's number.

"Hey Sunshine, what's up," Trevor's voice rang through the phone.

"Trevor listen up, this is an emergency. Where are you right now?"

"I'm at Hunter's house. What's wrong?"

"Bring Hunter with you and get over to the estate as fast as possible. I'll explain everything, and hurry damn it!"

"Shit, I'll be right there!"

Sunny hung up the phone just as Beatrice returned with the items she requested. Sunny quickly flipped through Isadora's old notes on V.F.D. as she explained that Trevor and Hunter were on their way over.

"Sunny, we're not volunteers either! I mean I know stuff because my parents told me, but I'm not trained! What makes you think we can get the kids back on our own?"

"Because we're determined, that's what! Those kids mean the fucking world to me and I will not worry their parents by calling them with such horrible news. We're going to bring Trevor and Hunter with us to help. I know they aren't volunteers either, but damn we need all the help we can get!"

Beatrice paused and wiped her eyes, "Those kids mean a lot to me too Sunny... You guys are like my second family... I'll do it. Whatever it takes to save them; I'll do it! Even if it means bringing Trevor and Hunter into it, I don't care."

"That's the spirit, Bea."


When the two boys arrived, Sunny hurriedly explained that Nikki, Lizzie, and Sam had been kidnapped last night.

"What the hell?! They were kidnapped?"

"Yes, Trev, and we're going to save them! We have to find them before their parents get back from their vacation!"

Hunter looked shocked at Sunny's words, "You want to run by that me again? How the hell are we going to save a bunch of kidnapped children?"

Sunny and Beatrice looked at each other before the baticeer replied, "Guys, we have something to tell you and it's going to help us find them. This might take a while, so just listen please."

Trevor and Hunter looked at each other before nodding for them to proceed. Sunny took a deep breath and told the two boys everything about V.F.D. to prepare them for this daunting rescue that they were going to help with.

~End of Chapter!

Nobody, nobody, messes with Sunny's nieces and nephew! They will pay for this. Next chapter will be up eventually!

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