Chapter 10: The Queequeg

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~Normal POV

Sunny led the way down the ladder into the depths of the submarine. She helped the kids down one by one. Once everyone was in the narrow hallway Sunny opened the door and led them out. Trevor and Hunter were looking around curiously at the submarine as Sunny led them all down the hallways to a place she seemed to know. The kids looked excited and curious. Sam especially seemed enthused, and once they reached a huge open area of the ship that appeared to be the main deck, everyone who had not been on this vessel before immediately learned why.

"Grandpa!" Sam eagerly ran up to hug a man in a sailor captain's uniform.

"Aye! My favorite grandson safe is at last," The man said, "Nice work on rescuing the kids, Sunny! You arrived just on schedule and without hesitating too!"

Nikki and Lizzie went to hug the man too, "Hi Captain!"

He bent down to give the girls a hug, "Aye it's good to see you too, girls! You're lucky you have an aunt like Sunny Baudelaire looking after you."

He stood and smiled at the others, "I'm Captain Widdershins, welcome aboard the Queequeg! I'm Sam's grandfather."

"Oh, grandpa we met some new friends," Sam gestured to them, "Drake, Lucas, and Lily."

"Aye, nice to meet you kids," The captain smiled at them, "We're going to Hotel Denouement, and once we're there you'll regroup with Kit and she'll arrange transport for you three to go home. In the meantime, the ship is your temporary home as much as it is ours."

"Thank you for helping us, Captain," Sunny said gratefully.

He nodded at her, "The Orwell's are a sick people, Sunny. The world is much better off without them. You did the right thing. And it's good to see you too Beatrice, make sure to give your parents my regards when we reach our Vigorously Fixed Destination."

Beatrice chuckled, "Aye, aye, Captain."

Sam, Nikki, and Lizzie took their new friends with them over to an area of the main deck with several couches for them to sit down and have their own conversations. Sunny and Beatrice introduced Trevor and Hunter, and Captain Widdershins went to the helm to start the ship once more.

"So this is Fiona's stepfather," Trevor asked quietly.

"Yes he's a little eccentric, but he's a good man," Sunny answered with a smile.

While they were having their own separate conversations as they were being driven to safety, another man joined them on the deck. Nikki, Lizzie, and Sam went to hug this man as well.

"Hi Uncle Phil!"

Phil smiled, "Hi kids! Oh boy is it good to see you! I was so worried when we got Kit's mission to save you guys!"

Phil limped over to a chair and sat down to do a bit of maintenance on his prosthetic leg. He casually explained that he was the ship's cook, and his leg had been lost in a lumber mill accident.

Hunter chuckled, "Is that all your crew captain sir?"

"Actually, no it isn't," He smiled.

Hunter was a bit confused at first by his statement until she saw that another person had joined them on deck. He was a man with shiny, silver hooks instead of hands.

Sam gasped, "Uncle Fernald!" The little boy instantly ran to his uncle for an admittedly awkward hug.

Fernald was grinning broadly, "My favorite nephew, it's so good to see you!"

"I'm your only nephew, Uncle Fernald!"

Sam immediately brought the other kids over to introduce them to his uncle.

Phil finished working on his leg and stood up; he gestured to Sunny, "I have to get back down to the kitchen now to make some food for everyone. These kids must be starving after all they've been through! Sunny if you'd like to help me out I'd be honored."

Sunny smiled, "Trevor is quite a chef himself, Phil he'd be happy to help if you'll let him."

Trevor nodded and followed Phil out of the room. Beatrice chuckled quietly at Trevor and Hunter's instant panic at seeing Fernald's hooks. It was something that always took getting used to. Sunny then ushered the six kids away from Fernald.

"It's nice to see you," Sunny said.

Fernald smiled, "You too, kid, and thank you for saving my nephew."

Sunny smiled at him, showing off her unusually sharp canine teeth, "Hey he's my nephew too you know!"

"Yes, but he's mine by blood."

Sunny rolled her eyes. "Details..."

Beatrice walked up to them and gestured to the other kids with a smirk, "Taking all bets on how long it's going to take Duncan, Klaus, and Quigley to kill those two boys for all that flirting with Nikki and Lizzie."

Sunny's jaw dropped open at the sight. There was no denying it; those kids were definitely flirting. It wasn't as obvious as it had been when Sunny had watched Violet and Duncan flirt, or as stupidly clueless when Klaus and Isadora would flirt, but it was there nonetheless.

"Oh, my god... those poor boys don't know what they got themselves into," Sunny replied.

Fernald chuckled, "I'd hate to see how that turns out. For what it's worth, I was protective of my sister too."

"Duncan and Klaus are going to flip. And Quigley is just as protective as an uncle. Violet and Isadora are going to have their work cut out for them convincing their husbands to lay off," Sunny said, she then chuckled and added, "But they are pretty adorable together right?"

"Yes they are," Beatrice said nodding in agreement.

Sunny's phone started buzzing in her pocket she quickly excused herself to answer it in the hall.

"Hey Klaus, how is everyone?"

Sunny felt her heart stop when her brother didn't have a reply but a question.

"Where the hell are you?"

~End of Chapter

Uh, oh, Sunny is going to be in trouble...

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