Only If

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Keith hummed eagerly, this being the first time communicating with his close friends since two years before. Excitement and nervousness tackled him to the ground as he recalled his last visit, two years ago.
Keith knew he shouldn't have said anything about Allura to Lance, he knew how much Lance loved her, but Keith couldn't help but be disappointed in Lance.

The Cuban boy lived on Altea, and he lived for Allura, which wouldn't be so bad if he lived for himself too. The light in Lance's eyes had all but faded in the years gone by, and Keith desperately wanted to light them ablaze once more.

Kosmo, sensing Keith's pain, gently licked his companion's rested hand. The once small pup had grown to be a wolf bigger than any horse, and with his size, his heart grew too.

Keith soon found himself in sight of Altea, which reminded him of why he wasn't ever able to make it to these gatherings. Work on Daibazaal all but crushed his spare time, but Keith couldn't remember why he'd ever want to skip out on time with his family.

When Keith landed on Altea, he found himself instantly drawn to the beautiful statue of Allura. Despite disliking Lance's one true goal of living only for Allura, Keith really did love her like family. A part of him left when she did, unfortunately, she took all of Lance.

Keith's thoughts get cut from the air as a familiar voice yields a knife.

"Paying your respects?"

And before Keith could reply, his world crumbles and tears break through his eyes.

"Shit Lance, I've missed her, I've missed you, I don't even know why I didn't show up the last two times. I don't know what to do." Keith all but breaks down.

"What's all this Keith? Come sit with me, Team Leader." Lance replies gently.

Keith exhales a shaky breath as he sits at the table with his Right Hand.

Words aren't spoken, and actions are left as thoughts. Anything that Keith planned to set straight for Lance failed him, and he soon realized he needed Lance to set him straight too.

Wordlessly, Lance embraces Keith, igniting a bond that Keith thought long broken. "You... Lance, why do you dedicate your existence to Allura, even though she's gone?"

Lance squeezes Keith tight, and his breath halts. "I never want to forget her, and I never want others to forget her."

"But Lance, you have so much more to do, Allura would be proud of your choice, but she would want you to live a long, happy life, instead of dwelling on the past. " Keith paused before picking up, "She loved you, y'know."

"I can't...  I can't do it." Lance cries, his head finding a place under Keith's arm.

"Remember when I didn't want the black lion, even though Shiro wasn't there and the lion wanted me?" Keith asks.

Lance nods slowly, sniffing as his tears slow.

"You said what I will. Lance, you know more than anyone, she would want you to move on. The universe picked you, and you owe it to her to live your life to the fullest."

Lance sniffs once more before uttering a quiet, "okay."

. . .

Keith stares at the mirror for an extra second before making the decision to finger comb his hair one more time. He calls it good, and leaves to join the others by the statue of Allura.

When he catches Pidge's gaze, tears are shed, and Shiro squeezes him in a tight hug. Keith hears Hunk pipe through the sounds of happiness. "Is that Keith?" When Hunk realizes, he joins the group hug.

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