Shiroxcurtis Stories

11 Stories

All We Could Have Been by madisueb
All We Could Have Beenby ✨Madi✨
"What are you talking about?!" "I... I was in love with you! And you didn't love me back! And it's like I'm ready to move on, but your doing to build me...
Night Terrors by SnappyRemedies
Night Terrorsby Snappy
Curtis Williams seems normal, but he's been taking medications to suppress the screaming fits he experiences at night. When Captain Shirogane begins to take interest in...
Voltron: Next generation by StarvirgoBK
Voltron: Next generationby StarvirgoBK
"Welcome third generation he-" "We know that this is the new and improved Castle of Lions, Uncle Lance. Now can you tell us where we will be sleeping, bec...
Shiro x Curtis one shots by EBOAL626
Shiro x Curtis one shotsby Impossible smoke
Just Shiro and Curtis because there are like no fanfiction about them... What? Did you think that we would actually spoil the book? (Oneshots, REQUESTS ALWAYS OPEN! Also...
Return of Voltron: The Next Generation  by ForumRedjpg
Return of Voltron: The Next ForumRedjpg
Years after the war, Earth and the rest of the universe were in peace. The Paladins going on with their lives finds out that not all of reality was fixed. Without Allura...
Voltron Legenary Defender (What Should've Happened In Season 8) by cassandraanne2212
Voltron Legenary Defender (What cassandraanne2212
Hehehehehe youll have to read to find out what happens 😊😊😋😋
Thief of Your Soul by JudithPotterStories
Thief of Your Soulby JudithPotterStories
Keith Kogane never enjoyed being a thief, but it was a necessity for him. High Prince McClain was his target, but he never expected to find more than just a crown.
A NEW Beginning - Book 1 by letmebelex
A NEW Beginning - Book 1by SilentPotato88
AN ALTERNATE ENDING, AND A CONTINUATION! The war is over, and it's time for the universe to heal. But what does that mean for the Paladins, and those closest to them? Th...
Akira by MyFairy2019
Akiraby MyFairy2019
After a alarming call, Shiro rushes to the hospital and meets a girl who's lost her arm and leg on her left side. He decided to help her heal the physical and mental wou...
Red Mullet, Blue Mullet by klance_optimistic808
Red Mullet, Blue Mulletby Kea Nani
What if the story never ended there? What if there was more? Was Leading the blade all Keith did? Was Lance's life as simple as he claimed? They had a whole life ahead w...