Six: Finale.

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connor sneaks through the front door, noting that hank is definitely at work at this time. he peeks his head around the corner and makes sure before stepping in all the way. he shuts the door behind him and almost sighs out in relief before he looks up and freezes.

"where the hell have you been?" hank grunts, in nothing but a pair of boxers and a white t-shirt.

"i went to markus' apartment, i assumed you would not want to see me after our disagreement." he admitted, putting his stained DPD hoodie (that actually belongs to hank) back in his dresser to wash later.

hank lets out a sigh, rubbing his face before taking a look at connor. "i skipped work today. i felt bad, so i decided to surprise you with something."

connor's LED spins yellow, looking around the room but not noticing anything different. "what did you get me?"

hank lets out another long sigh, standing up out of his chair and motioning for connor to follow him. they went to the back of the house past the bathroom and hanks room, and then he paused for a moment. "i did this because i care about you, even though i don't show it often. i want you to be happy living here, okay?"

the android nods while hank pushes the door open and turns the light on, making connor's eyes go wide.

the walls are painted a light blue and the carpets are tan, with small paintings hanging around on the walls. the twin bed has plain grey bedding, and there's a big dresser with little trinkets sitting on top.

he hesitantly looks over his shoulder at hank, raising an eyebrow.

"fuck-" hank groans. "this is your new room, kid. cole wouldn't have wanted me to keep it empty all these years, so here you go."

with a beam, connor steps inside and takes a gentle seat on the bed. "you mean it? this is mine?"

"yeah, it's all yours. now don't look at me like that, consider this an apology for last night and we can never talk about it again." he grumbles and turns to go into his own room. connor can't stop the smile that continues to cover his face, and he looks down.

"you are forgiven, hank."


would you like to come over, markus?

connor smiles sweetly while moving his clothes from his old chest in the living room to the new dresser in his very own bedroom. he managed to wash the hoodie without hank noticing, and he is very proud of himself for that.

you want me to come to your house? what's the occasion?

hank has finally gifted me my own bedroom and i would like for you to come see it.

connor sits on his bed, eagerly waiting for a reply. he knows it's the middle of the night now, but markus is known for staying up until the sun rises, reading old paper books. it's one of the things he admires most about the older android.

sure, i'll be there in a little bit.

excitedly, connor waits by the front door in a pair of sweatpants and one of hank's white t-shirts. his LED is stuck on yellow, excitement flooding his systems. he can hardly contain himself when markus gently knocks on the door.

he swings open the door, smile bright on his face. markus smiles back in confusion, stepping inside. "hey, con. what's up with you?"

wordlessly, connor takes his hand and drags him back to his bedroom quietly. he shuts the door and then sits on his bed, a shit-eating grin taking him over. "this is my new room. it's still decorated with cole's things, but hank says i can redecorate."

"that's awesome," markus smiles and sits beside him on the bed. "i'm really, really happy for you."

connor nods and folds his hands in his lap, suddenly unsure of why he invited markus over. he supposes this could've waited until the next day, but the excitement was tearing him apart. "i apologize for having you over so late, i just really wanted to show my room to someone."

"no need to apologize, i'm happy you invited me. i like spending time with you, you know that."

the younger android shrugs with a small blue blush dusting his cheeks, turning away to face the other direction. markus grabs his chin gently, pulling his face back towards him. he offered up a small smile, and connor swears he could feel his thirium pump melting as he stared into those heterochromic eyes.

markus let go of his chin, only to cup his cheek instead. he nudged him with the same smile until finally connor smiled back at him, leaning in to kiss him. it was a short lived kiss, but it still left him with shivers under his chassis.

"stay the night," he asks, quietly. markus nods a bit, letting their lips connect for another quick kiss. connor helps markus shrug out of his clothes until he was down to his boxers, then they both snuggle up under the covers of the bed. it's only a twin, so markus practically had to lie on top of him in order for there to be enough room. he wasn't complaining though, because it didn't take long until markus was kissing him with more intensity than before.

connor's hands desperately grab at markus' hips, pulling him against his groin eagerly. markus huffed out a laugh and sat up to pull connor's sweats off, throwing them onto the floor. connor went to protest the mess, but markus shut him up.

"this is your room now, you can do whatever you want in it."

connor nods and accepts this as an answer, leaning up to continue kissing his- well, his friend, markus.

"what are we?" he blurts. markus tilts his head in confusion.

"we are alive, you know that."

"no," connor grunts in frustration, gesturing between them. "what are we, us, what is the nature of this relationship?"

if markus had an LED, he was sure that it would be spinning yellow now. "well, i was planning on asking you to officially be my boyfriend, but i didn't want to add more stress on to what has been happening with hank lately."

connor just gave him a small smile because of course markus would be concerned about his emotional state. he shakes his head and pulls his closer, leaving no space between them.

"i want to be your boyfriend, markus. badly."

the older of the two just offers a nod, kissing him deeply and shucking off his own underwear and connor's t-shirt so they were both completely naked, exposed in their layer of polymer skin. connor would normally be ashamed, but he knows that he's safe where he is.

his thoughts are interrupted by markus pushing two fingers into him and he quickly swallows back a moan from the shock, letting his head fall back against the pillows. markus grins, only letting it go on for a minute or so before pulling out and replacing them with something else.

"fuck- markus," connor gasps out and arches his back, taken by surprise again. markus shushes him and leans down to catch him in a kiss, giving him a few slow thrusts.

"be quiet, hank is asleep." he mumbles and grabs onto connor's hips tighter, quickening his movements and causing connor to completely disregard the initial demand.

alternating between slow and fast, connor could feel himself melting from the inside out. "please," he breathes out. "don't stop,"

"be quiet," markus grunts, kissing him hard and pinning him down. he whines and kisses back, feeling a shiver take over his body before he orgasms all over his stomach, similar to the night before.

stamina really was not included with the genitalia.

afterwards, they squish together as close as they can and just enjoy each other's space, until connor has to go ahead and ruin it.

"i'm so glad we're boyfriends now," he admits, truthfully. markus nods in agreement and messes with his now-ruined hair, running his fingers through it.

"i am, too. i'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

"don't apologize," connor grinned and shook his head. "i'm just glad it happened at all."

"would you say that it's swag?"

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