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It had been a day since (Y/N) saw Ayato at the Auction Operation. Things didn't exactly go as she planned and it only went downhill when she discovered that Hinami was captured and held prisoner.

(Y/N) wanted desperately to see Ayato again and she knew exactly where he might be.

It didn't take long for her to arrive at the apartment; his apartment. She stared at the familiar door and chewed on her bottom lip nervously. Would he be in there? It had been years, could he still be in the same apartment?

She sighed, only way to find out is by knocking.

She wrapped her knuckle and gently knocked on the door.

It was few seconds, but it felt like eternity, when she heard movement behind the door. Her heart sped up as the doorknob turned and her eyes lit up when the door was pulled back, revealing the person behind it.

Her smile fell when she saw the person behind the door.

"May I help you?" The man behind the door asked rudely as he pushed back his glasses up the bridge of his long narrowe nose. He looked about forty and had quite a belly fat. He was definitely not Ayato.

(Y/N) tried not to let her sheer disappointment show on her face as she smiled politely.

"Sorry for disturbing you, sir. It seems I have the wrong apartment number. I apologize again." She bowed.

The man only grunted in response and stepped back, slamming the door in her face.

(Y/N) sighed, not at all fazed by the rude man living in the apartment that was once Ayato's

At least it was worth a try.

She nodded at her own sad excuse of a cheerful thought and turned to walk out. She walked randomly, switching streets at random intervals. She had time to think. She thought about Hinami and had to blink away her tears. It took everything in her not to break Hinami out in the heat of the moment. Breaking a ghoul out of Cohlea took man power and a plan. She had none of those at the moment.

Then she thought of Kaneki. It was at times like these when she thought that if she had just turned and warned him when she saw Kaneki and Rize walk into the dark alley, maybe things would be different. Maybe he wouldn't have been tortured by Yamori, and maybe Hide would still be alive. Then she'd clench her fist and shake her head. It all happened for a reason . . . Maybe he was meant to turn a blind eye, maybe Kaneki would save them all; both humans and ghouls.

(Y/N) stopped at a familiar looking abandoned building. She made her way to the balcony on the roof and smiled as a gentle breeze whipped past her, causing her hair to fly around her face.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and leaned on the railing as she looked at the view before her. It overlooked Tokyo. Below her, the city was bustling with life. It was around 3 pm in the afternoon and it was getting pretty late fast due to it being November.

The sky had patches of white clouds scattered about and the cool breeze welcomed her. The air was damp and cool.

Memories clouded her thoughts as she reminisced the last time she was here.

Ayato glanced at (Y/N) who was looking ahead, a small smile of her own playing at her lips. He followed her line of sight and watched the sun slowly set.

"Hey, Shrimp."


"Thank you." He said softly.

"You're welcome." She chirped. "Oh. Almost forgot." She reached into her pockets while Ayato watched patiently.

She pulled out something and handed it over to him.

He took it and opened his palm to see what it was. It was a necklace; a long black leather cord and in the centre was a purple feather.

"I picked it up a few days ago. Reminded me of you." She explained sheepishly.

"Why the feather?" He asked, shifting his gaze over to her curiosity evident in his tone.

She smiled. "You're so silly sometimes. It's because you're an angel."

What she meant was that he looked like a true angel when he saved her. It didn't matter that he was covered in spots of blood or that his eyes were red and black, the eyes of a ghoul, he was truly an angel in that moment. But she was too embarrassed to admit something so stupid and cheesy.

"An angel. Really?" He teased.

"Okay, maybe not angel personality wise. I thought of how your kagune looks like flaming purple wings."

"Is that why it's purple?" He looked back down at it.

"Mmhmm, you catch on fast Ayato-kun." She joked.

"Still think angel still makes me sound like a little wimp."

"Fine. You can be my fallen angel."

"Fallen angel. Least it sounds less wimpy than angel." He weighed the options. "Sold"

"Promise me you'll wear it everywhere you go? Never take it off?"

"It's purple. What guy wouldn't wanna wear it everywhere they go." He said sarcastically.

She gave him a blank stare.

"Fine." He huffed. "I promise I won't take it off." He said.

She smiled and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ears. "Perfect."

After a moment of silence she said, "I kept it you know."

"Kept what?"

"My promise." She answered, turning to the view.

He smiled and shifted his gaze to the view. "You certainly did." He muttered, the streaks of pink stretching across the sky reflecting in his gentle blue eyes.

Her eyes fluttered open. The memory was so fresh, it was almost as if it happened a few days ago when it fact it happened a long time ago. A time where everything seemed so simple.

She sighed and straightened up. She was about to turn when a sound made her pause in her step.

Light footsteps. Someone was walking up the stairs to the balcony on the roof.

She turned just in time to see a tall, lean figure clad in black walk up and freeze in his step as his blue eyes met with hers from across the roof.

(Y/N) froze too, unsure if what she was seeing was some apparition.

Ayato wore a hooded, long-sleeved black leather jacket, and black pants, along with black boots. His hands were tucked in the jacket of his pocket and his blue hair drooped over his blue eyes, gently being stirred by the cool breeze.

(Y/N)'s breath hitched, the light breeze whipping her hair around her face.


Her eyes widened when he was suddenly in front of her, his arms around around her back and his head buried in the crook of her neck as he hugged her tightly against his lean body.

She was too shocked to react.

"Shrimp." He murmured in a low husky voice, his breath tickling her neck as his grip around her tightened.

Her eyes softened and she wrapped her arms around him, her eyes slipping shut as she placed her chin on his sturdy shoulder.

"Ayato-kun." She whispered, her lips curling up into a content smile.


How's that for a cute reunion!!?

*drops microphone*

"Shrimp."|Ayato Kirishima X Reader BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now