Ch.7 It Hurts

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3rd POV

(Y/N) : You wanted to see me?" he asked appearing inside Magi's living room as she motioned for him to sit down and he did

Magi : Listen after careful consideration, I have decided to ask if you wanted to enter the Bataille Des Magiciens in three weeks time" she said surprising her apprentice

(Y/N) : The Bataille Des Magiciens, isn't that where all magicians gather to fight in a series of matches to increase their ranks?" he asked as Magi nodded

Magi : Correct, after witnessing your rapid increase in magical and physical abilities, I wanted to ask if you wanted to join, but beware these magicians are quite powerful, even more than that Riser fellow you beat just a while ago" she informed as Seishi spoke

Seishi : A chance to show the world our power, seems like our kind of event, what do you say partner?" he asked as (Y/N) looked at his hand before turning it into a fist

(Y/N) : I'll join" he said as Magi nodded and stood up

Magi : Very well, you're free to do what you wish for the rest of the week, but after that we continue onto even harsher training" she said in a serious manner then walked out of the room

(Y/N) : Looks like we have to get stronger" he said

Seishi : Indeed, we'll show them the power of our combined might" he said proudly as (Y/N) nodded in agreement and left Magi's house and towards Kuoh

(Y/N) walked towards his average two story house and knocked on the door, the door opened and it revealed (Y/N) mother named (M/N).

(M/N) : May I help you young man?" she asked confusing (Y/N)

(Y/N) : Mom it's me (Y/N)" he informed as (M/N) eyes widened and she started to weep tears of joy

(M/N) : My little boy has grown up and came home a man" she said embracing her son in a hug as he returned it in full

The sound of footsteps got (Y/N) attention as he looked over his mother's shoulder to see his father staring at the two.

(F/N) : Um dear, you can't be hugging every young man who arrives at our front door" he said with a sweat drop as (M/N) turned to him

(M/N) : Our son has come home" she said as (F/N) jaw dropped as he inspected his now taller and bulkier son

(F/N) : Holy crap son, do you need a vet?" he asked confusing (Y/N) as (F/N) grabbed both his arms

(F/N) : Because these pythons are sick!" he joked as the family shared a laugh and entered the house

(Y/N) then explained to his parents about his disappearance and how Magi saved his life and became her apprentice. He even demonstrated a few of his magical abilities, surprising his parents as (Y/N) never showed any signs of possessing magic before. (Y/N) then told his parents about his one week break before he has to leave again making his parents sad, but happy he gets to see the world in a whole new perspective. Deciding to spend the night with his parents, (Y/N) said he would visit Rias and the others in the morning.

(Y/N) : See ya mom and dad" he said leaving as his parents waved him goodbye

(Y/N) walked through the streets getting checked out by almost every female he passed by, but the guys glared daggers at (Y/N) who ignored them and continued heading towards Kuoh Academy. He arrived at the ORC and was about to walk in, but he heard the club members talking.

Koneko : So you're free from Riser?" she asked as Rias nodded

Rias : Yes, from what I was told, someone came in and beat Riser to a pulp until he decided to break the engagement" she answered

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