Ch.12 At A Cost

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3rd POV

As Konton's magic pierced Valkyria's stomach, everyone in the arena gasped as she coughed up blood and landed outside the arena. As everyone remained shocked at the sight, a referee ran up to Valkyria's motionless body and stopped once they saw Valkyria's empty eyes. The ref then ran to the announcer and whispered into his ear.

Announcer : Ladies and Gentleman, due to Valkyria being unable to continue, the winner of this match is Konton!" he announced as Konton bowed to the crowd who remained speechless

Magus quickly entered the arena and check Valkyria's pulse and gasped once she felt nothing. Magus weeped over her fallen apprentice as Konton placed a hand on her shoulder.

Konton : Let this be a lesson to you, the weak do not belong here" he said with a grin as Magus attempted to slap him, but (Y/N) appeared between the two and stopped her hand

Magus : (Y/N)?" she asked as he held his head down

Konton : Looks like one bitch-" he was punched instantly in the face by (Y/N) and sent towards the walls of the arena

A dark red aura surrounded (Y/N) as a powerful force pushed everyone in the stand back. His eyes glowed a dark golden color as his balance breaker activated. He went over to Valkyria's body, picked her up and handed her to Magus.

(Y/N) : Leave, I'm not letting this asshole get away with this" he said walking pass Magus and towards Konton, but Magi appeared in front of him

Magi : Stop now, if you continue any longer I fear Exodia might obliterate you" she said as (Y/N) continued walking and stopped right next to her

(Y/N) : No one hurts my friends and gets away with it" he responded as Konton recovered and removed himself from the wall

Konton : Oh ho ho little boy, you've not only pissed me off, but you have also broken a sacred rule here in Bataille Des Magiciens, lord Exodia" he called out as Exodia stood up from his large throne

Exodia pointed his palm towards (Y/N) as a large white ball gathered in his hand. He then thrusted his hand forward firing a large white beam at (Y/N). The attack completely engulfed (Y/N) as everyone gasped at the sight, Magi looked away and Magus closed her eyes to avoid watching another loved one die. Then the world around them froze.

Seishi : Looks like were going to die, are you sure you want this partner?" he questioned

(Y/N) : Yeah, were going full power, we can't die yet" he responded as they both closed their eyes and focused their mind

As time remained frozen, (Y/N) and Seishi began gathering life energy and placing it within the crimson soul binding them together.

(Y/N)/Seishi : Seitoshi no Gensoku" they both said as time resumed and Exodia's attack dissipated as a dark red pillar of burning energy appeared

Exodia was taken back, never had anyone managed to nullify his attack let alone still be standing after taking it. With this sudden turn of events, Exodia decided to continue watching as the red pillar began to clear away, showing (Y/N) new balance breaker.

 With this sudden turn of events, Exodia decided to continue watching as the red pillar began to clear away, showing (Y/N) new balance breaker

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Seishi : Looks like I'm back in my original body, shall we finish this?" he asked as (Y/N) summoned his large wings


Konton : Foolish boy, you are in no position to make such demands" he said as Exodia tapped his foot getting everyone's attention

Exodia then gave a thumbs up, signaling the match was about to commence making Konton freak out.

Konton : But lord Exodia, this boy not only disobeyed the rules of our grand event, he even dares defy you by surviving your attack, surely he doesn't deserve to live" he said trying to get out of this battle, but Exodia gave him a zip it gesture and shut up the arrogant magician

Announcer : In a surprise turn of events, our next match will be sudden death between (Y/N) and Konton, one of these two will be going to the finals next round" he announced as both magicians entered the stage

(Y/N) : I'm not holding back, I'm going to make you suffer for hurting her, speaking of which" he said raising his palm towards Valkyria and firing an orange orb that entered her body

Valkyria's eye opened slowly as everyone gasped at her resurrection.

Asia : See I told you, he can bring people back to life" she said seeing Valkyria sit up and look at her surroundings

Azazel : Amazing, he didn't even need an evil piece to revive her, I gotta meet this kid" he said with a smile

Vali : 'Looks like we found our newest servant' he thought to himself as he looked at Kuroka, Arthur and Bikou, nodding his head as they nod back in understanding

Irina : Wow, a being who can bring people back to life, he must be really powerful, let's recruit him" she said as Rias looked at her with narrowed eyes

Rias : You shouldn't get ahead of yourself, (Y/N) belongs to Magi, if you think she's going to allow you to just take him your wrong" she said slightly annoyed

Xenovia : Hmm, are you just saying that so we don't interfere with your attempts on retrieving him?" she questioned as Rias turned away from her 

Ophis looked at (Y/N) with curiosity, the dragon within his soul was one she never encountered and wanted to learn of its origins. Back in the arena, Konton fired a barrage of dark magical attacks, but nothing left a single scratch on (Y/N) who remained still.

(Y/N) : Pathetic" he said then appeared in front of Konton with a powerful right hook which tossed him into the air

(Y/N) then appeared above Konton with a giant orb of black and orange fire in his hand. He then pushed the orb into his spine sending him towards the ground, causing a massive explosion composed of black and orange flames to burst around the arena. Magi surrounded the stands with a barrier which held back the flames from (Y/N) attack, the smoke cleared showing Konton bloodied and broken within the crater.

Konton : Damn brat, I'll kill you" he said weakly trying to crawl out of the crater, but was too weak to do so

(Y/N) then floated down to the broken magician's body with a trident made of fire in his hand.

(Y/N) : Although I hate to admit it, what you did caused my powers to grow exponentially, know that when you burn in hell you can say that for one time in your life, you did something right" he said raising the trident high and driving it down into Konton's body

Konton screamed in pain as his inside filled with fire, flames escaped his mouth and eyes, his body flailed around the ground as his screams filled the arena. Konton slowly started turning to ash from head to toe until finally disappearing in the wind.

Announcer : LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, OUR WINNER AND ONE OF OUR FINALIST (Y/N) (L/N)!" he announced as everyone cheered and Magus ran towards her boyfriend and jumped into his arms

Magus : Thank you" she said snuggling into his chest

(Y/N) : Thank you Magus, for everything, but..." he trailed off as his balance breaker suddenly deactivated taking Magus by surprise

(Y/N) then pushed Magus away, confusing her at first, but then she saw him vomiting blood then falling to the ground unconscious.

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