Part 32

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Your POV

I placed down my phone when HyunKyung said that he'll sleep for a while since he didn't sleep that much last night. As I was about to close my eyes, my phone vibrated. "Whos this now?"

???: loser
???: keep this in mind.
???: I won't hesitate blackmailing you
???: don't even think smiling there just because you talked to the guys
???: just
???: keep away from jungkook-oppa
???: got that?

What the? I murmured while looking at my phone. I looked at Kangmin and seems like he was too busy looking at a Puppy video on YouTube that he didn't hear me. I'm not sure if this was a prank or not. Im pretty sure me and Taeyeon-unnie are friends for sure now so I don't really know who this person was. "I don't want anyone ruining my day" I told myself. I placed my phone down again and looked outside the bus window and looked at the streets. " I'm gonna miss this place" then I took a little nap.

Oh? Jungkook? What are you doing here? How are you? Are you doing well? Your face is everywhere in televisions, I watched your recent interviews too. Looks like you don't have enough time to place Overwatch, huh? I'm very glad your doing just well, I can see your success, pleas keep it up!

I woke up from my sleep cause Kangmin called me.  We are here! Wake up!  I looked around just making sure he was not lying cause I can't trust THIS kid but looks like we are really here.

We stepped out from our bus and looked around till Kangmin stopped his tracks "(Y/N)-ah, ahh Noona, can we stop at a near cafe? I really need coffee. " he did a aegyo and I hit his shoulders playfully. Yeah sure!
I told him while he smiled and ran to a near cafe while I wait outside.  My phone vibrated and I took my phone from my pocket. Uhh its this unknown number again

???: ya
???: are you ignoring me?
???: are you crazy?
???: you SURE had a good nap at the bus, huh?
???: what were you dreaming?
???: was it Jungkook?
???: uhhh looks like he isn't talking to you, huh?
???: anyway
???:I'll see you at school
???: you sure look stupid standing outside the cafe
???: I hope you'll freeze yourself.
???: bye.

"What the hell is your problem with me? Just because I'm friends with Jungkook this is how gonna act towards me. OH? Are you jealous of me? Oh my god. I'm really gonna shout at your face if I'll see you damn you! " I yelled outside the cafe while looking at my phone little did I know, Hyunkyung, Minsung and Kangmin was beside me.  Crap.

"Hey..." I awkwardly greeted them.
"Saeng... What the hell? It's so early and your yelling at your phone. Lucky for you it's morning and no one is still alive now."
Minsung told me with that bored face he keeps on showing while holding his coffee.
"Are you okay? Is someone bothering you?" Hyunkyung asked me woriedly
"Ah.. Yeah it's just this unknown keeps on bothering me." I told him and showed my phone to him and he took it and read the messages.
"Wow, that's weird. "Kangmin said while reading too. " wanna beat the crap out of this person?"   Minsung said while sipping his coffee. "  Hyunkyung said and he handed me back my phone.
" we should go now, Our professor might me at school now." Hyunkyung told us while we start to head to our school.

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