Chapter Eight

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“Leave her alone! She doesn’t need to see you when she wakes up.”

My eyes flung open with a start. I was staring at a white ceiling, filled with unbelievably bright lights.

“She’s awake” someone hissed. Wait a minute…hissed? Before I could think about who this might be, a hand was placed on top of mine. It was a warm, comforting hand, Margo’s hand. “Hey you” she smiled weakly at me. She looked as if she hadn’t had any sleep in ages.

“You ok?” I croaked and she laughed. “You’re one to ask”. Then she had to step back because a nurse came to check on me. At least I thought it was a nurse until I recognised her.

“Sarah? You’re a nurse?” my voice was raspy and I had to cough. “Now now, have a sip of this and then try speaking.” She said and put a glass of some kind of fluid to my lips. I drank thirstily. Then I cleared my throat and wanted to ask again but my mouth suddenly felt numb and my tongue felt too heavy and thick to use. “What did you give her, Sarah?” Margo’s voice quivered and she bent over me her face looking worried.

“Only something to calm her down, she needs more rest.” Sarah explained, mildly annoyed.

“More resssst? She wassss fine!” Again someone hissed, this time slightly angry. But my senses were beginning to fade and once again all I could hear were the voices and no words.

My eyelids started to close and although I tried to stop it, they shut. The numbness engulfed me nearly completely now, except for one small part of my brain. Then all of a sudden I was able to see everything again. Just not form my point of view but from someone standing in the middle of the room. 

“Is she gone?” Margo stood next to my bed, holding my hand.

“Yes, she shouldn’t be able to hear or feel anything.” Sarah answered, putting the cup on the table next to my bed.

“Good, now let usss get her ready for the injectionsss.” The hissing voice came from someone sitting in a chair by the door. It was Demi. She looked half snake – half human and still managed to look elegant.

“Nu-uh. Not in the state you’re in.” Margo shook her head, “you and I are gonna go hunting and get back some of our strength. Her parents are gonna be here soon anyway. No one will take her then.” She let go of me and walked towards to door.

“Want us to bring to something?” Margo asked Sarah who was fluffing my pillow absentmindedly.

“Nah, I went this morning. I’m fine.” She smiled at Margo and went back to covering me up properly.

“D! C’mon!” Margo ordered Demi, who then got up and started to take off her underwear then changed. Into a snake. I wasn’t even surprised anymore. First her hair turned into scales, then her deformed into the shape of a snake’s head. Meanwhile her she had swapped her legs for a tail and her arms got stuck to her body, forming one long body. She then let herself drop to the ground, hissed in my direction and slithered through the door.

Margo (thankfully) didn’t change into an animal but licked her lips hungrily. “S’later!” She said and was gone. 

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