thought i found a way out •

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Jeongin left the castle as fast as he could

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Jeongin left the castle as fast as he could. His legs and lungs burned as he let his feet carry him farther and farther into the night. Once he reached the cliff, he let himself soar over the edge. His body morphed and his once petite figure transitioned into a small black fruit bat. Jeongin had recently turned eighteen and tonight was supposed to be his coming of age celebration. As prince, Jeongin was surrounded with many strangers and elite vampires he'd never heard of before, but he had to show them respect nonetheless. Socializing with them had become quite a chore for him, especially when he had to compete with his brother for popularity. Jeongin didn't really mind being the 'other' son. He had accepted that he was just his brothers understudy long ago.
After the war, Jeongin and his family naturally grew apart. They were coworkers at best. All working to uphold the King's image. Jeongin sometimes felt he was deprived of happiness because of his fathers actions, but never voiced it. His father had caused the death of his best friend and Jeongin could never forgive him for it. Why did his father have to be so heartless?
The ball room was packed with aristocrats and other vampires of importance. Jeongin mingled, unaware of his fathers plans. After his father toasted to his youngest son, he motioned for the servants to carry in a mysteriously large dinner platter. The servants lifted the dishes cover, they hurried out of the room. Jeongin stared into the eyes of a small girl who looked like she was around seven, at most. "A...child?" Jeongin spoke aloud. He was absolutely dumbfounded as to why his father would present a child to the entire court during his birthday. His father laughed loudly. His obnoxious voice rang through the ears of every vampire in the room and echoed off the walls. "Drink up!" He shouted as he looked into Jeongins' eyes. His father beamed with insanity. Had the vampire king finally lost it? Jeongin suddenly felt nauseous as he took a glance at the small girl. "Father, you know I'm...a vegetarian." Jeongin spoke quietly. He prayed that only his father had heard him, but he knew better. The entire room gasped and broke out into a judgmental fit. In the midst of the chaos, Jeongin saw his mother and brother exit through the large wooden back doors. Their faces showed nothing less of disappointment. They had known of his weird characteristic since he was born. They'd tired to 'cure' him in the past but to no avail. He was a disappointment and he was reminded of this everyday. Maybe his father thought Jeongin would crack under pressure if he prompted Jeongin in front of the entire court, but he didn't budge. And now the King was mad. He glared at his disgrace of a son and grabbed the girl by her long hair, hoisting her with his strength. "If my son is going to be an ungrateful burden to the royal family, then he can starve!" The King announced. The room fell silent as his voice rang through the air and into Jeongins' ears. Jeongins' eyes welled up with tears, as did the girls, when the Kings' thick and blunt fangs sank down into her neck and shoulder. She screamed and cried out until her throat could no longer muster a sound. Her eyes dulled as her life was stolen from her ounces at a time. Suddenly, she was dropped to the floor, pale and drained. She was dead.
Jeongin hadn't noticed the hot tears flowing down his cheeks until his father stared at him with a wicked smile, his mouth stained red with the innocents blood. Jeongin looked around and met the eyes that burned into him from every angle. He knew they knew he was afraid of what would come next. A vampire that didn't drink blood was unheard of. Jeongins' eyes flicked upward toward the stain glass widows that allowed the moonlight to kiss the ballroom floor. He didn't even spare a soul another glance before he leapt into the air and shattered the glass window that contained the royal crest. The glass left small cuts along his clothes and skin, but Jeongin could've cared less. The moonlight hit his pale skin and left him glowing. He felt the cold air kiss his smooth skin as he descended along the castles wall. He landed in the moat that surrounded the castle and had his breath stolen from him. He pushed himself to the surface and struggled to find his breath as he forced himself to fly out of the murky waters and start running.
Now he was soaring through the air, with his wings slicing through the foggy air and tears streaming down his face. He hated that his father became such a sociopath. He hated that he wasn't a priority in his families eyes. He hated that his best friend died because of his father, and now he had nowhere to go and no one to go to. Jeongins' eyes scanned the thick forest below him. He decided he needed to find shelter before daylight came. Vampires became nocturnal creatures after the war. Fear of being seen by humans became to great and it was decided they become creatures of the night. Humans were vile creatures that destroyed anything and anyone they didn't like. Vampires got to experience this first hand. Jeongin shivered at the memory of past events and lowered himself into the trees below.
Jeongin slowly made his way down the length of a tall tree until his shoes hit the moist forest floor. He cringed as his shoes squished into the mud. He lifted himself out of the mud and began to hover over the ground. He hoped this would allow him to maneuver himself throughout the forest without being detected by any unfriendly faces.
Jeongin floated past large trees and rock formations looking for shelter. He could faintly make out the sounds of gushing water in the distance and followed it. Jeongin arrived at a large crystal lake that glimmered and sparkles in the moonlight. A large waterfall defended off of an edge and poured into the lake, disrupting the beautiful waters. He inevitability found a small cave entrance behind the waterfall and decided it was better than nothing.
He glanced towards that distant sky and saw the sun begin to rise. Jeongin turned around and began to venture into the cave. He found a small dry area in a corner and decided to squeeze in. It was extremely humid inside the cave and Jeongin was extremely tired. He was normally asleep by now. He slowly lost control of his consciousness and fell into an exhausted state of slumber. He needed to rest if he was going to find better shelter the next night. It wasn't like anyone was going to find him. Right?...
A/N: oooo new story bois~
Happy New Year! 🎉🎊🎉

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