The Power's Out

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"Well, the power is definitely out," Grace grumbled as she walked back into her apartment. Anissa was sitting on the couch, lighting a few candles and setting them on the coffee table. "My neighbors are pissed. We shouldn't be losing power every time it storms. It should be back up soon, though."

"Can you believe this rain?" Anissa said as Grace rolled up the sleeves of her black henley and sat down next to her. "I could have sworn we were only supposed to get light showers tonight."

"Yeah, I know. Meteorologists are the only people who can go to go to work everyday and fuck everything up," Grace joked. "What do you want to do until it's back up?" Anissa thought for a moment.

"Oh, I have a great idea," Anissa said as she pulled off her black sweatshirt, revealing a dark green tank top. Grace grinned at her girlfriend and leaned forward, but frowned when Anissa moved away.

"I was thinking of something a bit more PG," Anissa smirked. Grace pouted.

"What else is there to do? Wifi's out, no cable," Grace said, looking around her dark apartment. "Don't say tell scary stories. I may not fear much, but I'm not a fan of ghosts and ghouls." Anissa shook her head.

"Let's play never have I ever!" She exclaimed. Grace raised her eyebrows.

"What?" Grace asked.

"Oh, don't tell me you've never played that Grace," Anissa said skeptically.

"No, I've played it. But doesn't that game usually require more than two people?" Grace asked. "What's the point in just us playing?"

"We can use the game to get to know each other better," Anissa shrugged. "We've only been dating three months. I'm sure there's a ton I don't know about you."

"So why not just ask me," Grace laughed. Anissa rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Because this game involves alcohol, and if we're going to be in here in the dark, I'd prefer to be a little tipsy." Anissa walked into the kitchen, and felt for the bottle of whiskey she had sat on the counter, along with two cups.

"Suddenly I am very interested in playing," Grace smirked as she took a cup from Anissa as she sat back down. "Also, I'm pretty sure this classifies the game as at least PG-13 now. We aren't doing shots, are we?" Anissa shook her head.

"No. Just take a swallow if you've done whatever I say, and I'll do the same," Anissa poured the amber liquid into their cups. "Want me to go first?"

"Sure," Grace nodded, crossing her legs and facing her girlfriend. "Fire away."

"Okay. Never have I ever, been to Mexico," Anissa said with a half shrug. Grace brought her drink to her lips and took a sip. She gave Anissa a surprised look.

"Oh you brought the good stuff," Grace said with a smile, swirling her drink around. "Or is this from your dad's liquor cabinet?"

"Nope. Borrowed it from my mom's," Anissa grinned.

"Borrowed?" Grace asked. "Do you intend on returning an empty bottle? Because we're drinking all of this." Anissa laughed.

"I guess I'll have to buy her more bourbon," Anissa said with a nod. "I'm sure she won't mind. When were you in Mexico?"

"A few years ago for a friend's wedding," Grace said. "Destination weddings are so expensive, and they ended up getting divorced a year later. At least I got a vacation out of it though, right?"

"Nothing wrong with that," Anissa said. "Your turn. Think of something good, I'm thirsty."

"Uh, never have I ever had sparkling water," Grace said. Anissa quickly took a sip of her drink before staring at her girlfriend in disbelief.

The Power's Out  (Black Lightning ThunderGrace fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now