Untitled Part 3

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Oliver walked into the office building his frustration level already high. Felicity had called him that morning to inform him his contract was ready to sign and asked that he stop by her office. She had been insistent he stop by before he met with John for his session and the bossy tone of her message had him agitated. Oliver walked up the steps of the five story office building and stepped into the elevator. He pushed the button for the fifth floor and pinched his nose trying to settle down before he met with Felicity.

As the doors slid open he stepped out and looking around noticed a receptionist desk right in front of him with a young black male sitting behind it. He walked up and the young man looked up, his eyes widening.

"I am here to see Felicity Smoak." Oliver said. The office was nice and modern with four plush chairs in a soft ice blue and a coffee table to the left of the desk. The walls were painted a pleasing blue/grey and the floor was polished concrete. To the right was a glass wall and Oliver looked to see Felicity sitting behind her desk.

The young man stared for a moment, his mouth gaping open. Oliver looked at him and then toward the office. "Can you tell her Oliver Queen is here to see her?" As the young man sat there staring Oliver sighed, "Now?!"

The young man snapped out of his trance, and immediately picked up the phone as Oliver walked over to the waiting area. He was hoping to get this done quickly so he could get to the gym. He was looking forward to his first workout with John.

As he looked at the modern art on the walls he heard the clicking of heels across the concrete floor and turning he saw Felicity approaching him. He had to admit she looked beautiful. She had her hair down around her shoulders, a pair of black frames that brought out the blue of her eyes and a tight grey sleeveless dress that tapered to her knees. His eyes slid down her shapely legs to high heeled grey pumps and as he started to slide his gaze back up he heard her clear her throat.

"Mr. Queen?" she said, annoyance clearly evident in her voice.

His eyes quickly moved to meet hers and she motioned for him to follow her. "This way please." She turned to walk back to her office and as she glanced at her receptionist Curtis, he mouthed "H.O.T" in Oliver's direction. She ignored him and walked toward her office ready to get the meeting over and done.

Oliver followed closely behind her trying to keep his eyes off of her ass and when she motioned for him to take a seat and shut the door behind her, his eyes followed her as she moved around to her desk.

"Thank you for stopping by this morning Mr. Queen. I know it is short notice but I wanted to get the contract signed and everything legal before you started working with John and Lyla today." Felicity pulled out a manila folder and opened it, pulling out a one page contract which she pushed across her desk toward him. "You will see that this is a standard agreement with only a few provisions thrown in that I place in all of my contracts."

Oliver took the piece of paper and read the document:



Oliver Queen ( "the Client") agrees to allow Felicity Smoak (the Manager") to represent the client in areas relating to the MMA. The following terms will take effect immediately with the signature of both parties:

The Manager will be responsible for booking all fights and bouts including charity and entertainment fighting.The Manager will handle all travel arrangements for said fights/bouts including but not limited to flight, hotel and transportation.The Manager will handle all publicity for said fights/bouts including but not limited to; interviews, endorsements, posters, flyers and television appearances.The Manager will schedule any pre-fight weigh-ins for said fights/bouts.The Manager will travel with the Client when schedule permits and work closely with the trainer/PT to ensure all diet and exercise regimines are adhered to.The Client agrees to not use any form of body enhancing drugs and agrees to random drug testing.The Client agrees to no public intoxication.The Client agrees to no sexual contact with prostitutes or women known to hang out in MMA venues, heretofore known as "groupies".The Client will not engage in behavior that could result in arrest of said client. Exceptions will be self-defense or defense of other parties.The Client will confer with the Manager when considering getting seriously involved with any persons or relationships.If The Client breaks any of the aforementioned rules this contract will be considered null and void, unless otherwise agreed to by both parties.If either party feels the other party is not holding up their end of the agreement then they can void the contract with notary witness.


The Manager will receive 5% of each fight purse, plus 2% of any endorsement deals the Client signs.

This Representation Agreement ("the Agreement") is a binding agreement between the Client and the Manager effective immediately.


Oliver looked at the agreement and everything looked in order until he hit #10. Felicity was asking for a say in who he saw personally. That was not acceptable. He looked at Felicity and she quirked an eyebrow. "Problem Mr. Queen?"

"Yes there is a problem. The contract says I am to talk to you before getting seriously involved with someone." he said his irritation returning.

"Yes, and?" she said, wondering why he was questioning it.

"And. That is my personal life. I am not going to ask you to approve every woman I ask on a date." he said. Not that he had plans of asking a ton of women out. In fact dating was the last thing on his mind. But he wasn't going to let her know that.

"I am not asking to approve every single woman Mr. Queen. But you have a reputation that you are going to try to rebuild. Therefore it is imperative that whomever you are seen with is above reproach." she said almost primly, and Oliver barked out a laugh.

"You are joking right?" he said and sat forward in his chair.

"Quite the contrary Mr. Queen, I am very serious." she said.

"I am not agreeing to this Miss Smoak.", he said and stood up.

Felicity stood up from behind her desk and met his eyes. Their blue gazes locked and a battle of wills ensued. "I am not removing it from the contract Mr. Queen.", she said.

Oliver's eyes narrowed as they stared at each other. They both started to feel uncomfortable in their skin as the awareness between them built. Oliver placed his hands on her desk and leaned closer to her. "You realize I can go to any manager in this city and they will take me as their client in a heartbeat."

Felicity leaned across her desk, their faces close as she said, "Be my guest Mr. Queen. But I should let you know that they will ask you why I turned you down and I will have no qualms in letting them know that you were being difficult. Once they hear that word they won't come within 10 feet of you as a manager."

Oliver was growing angry. The woman was annoying and insufferable. He could walk out but she was right. She could stop his career before it started with just one word. She had him between a rock and a hard place. They both seemed to realize just how close their faces were, and he stepped back, his gaze never leaving hers.

"Fine Miss Smoak. I will sign the contract but let me be perfectly clear. If I feel you are not getting me quality fights with reputable opponents then our relationship will end." He grabbed the pen from her desk and signed the bottom of the contract before he slid it over to her. She signed on the dotted line and then held out her hand.

"It will be a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Queen.", she said with a smug smile.

He took her hand and tugged her across her desk, closer. "The name is Oliver and you had better not disappoint, Felicity." Her name slid off of his tongue like silk and Felicity felt a heat in their touch before she jerked her hand away and stood up straight.

"Good day Felicity." he said with a smirk and then walked out the door.

Felicity plopped down into her chair and then looked up when Curtis walked into the room. "O.M.G. Felicity. Is that your new client you were telling me about?"

Felicity nodded letting out a sigh.

"He is gorgeous! Like can I just sit and stare at him for hours gorgeous? Like I want to sop him up with a biscuit gorgeous." Curtis said with an excited wistfulness in his eyes.

"He's straight Curtis." she said sharply.

"A man can dream right?" he said before he turned and walked back to his desk.

Damn! Oliver WAS gorgeous, but he was also exasperating. He got under her skin like no one she had ever met before and she just hoped that they could put their feelings for each other aside and work together amicably, or they were both in trouble.

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