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Sana ^^^^

1/4- Southeast Asian and 3/4ths Japanese

1/4- Southeast Asian and 3/4ths Japanese

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1/4- Southeast Asian and 3/4ths Japanese

1/4- Southeast Asian and 3/4ths Japanese

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1/2- Japanese and 1/2 Southeast Asian

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I breathed the cold air deep in to my lungs. I look around the white snow around us while I see Sana carrying the boxes silently and in to the small cottage we have as our new home. It was small, and I heard we could only rely on manual heat rather than electric ones, but it has to do.

It's small, rustic and in the middle of nowhere in the north of Finland but near on the border of Sweden. It was close to evening, but the sun is still up, and I can't help admiring the cold beauty of what's around me.

"Mama" I snap my attention to the little boy at my feet. He held on to the hem of my coat while he is swallowed by his scarf and thick coat. "Doko?" Where?

I smile encouragingly "Baby, remember we speak in English or Finnish, remember?"

He pouts but nods. We trudge to the porch with him clutching on to my coat as he was still too small as he is just four years old. Sana being a hyper six-year-old has already reached the porch with her box of belongings.

"Mama, this house is cute" she says, smiling from ear to ear.

"I know, isn't it nice?" I wish I could just carry the struggling toddler, but I have two boxes in my arms and we needed to move all of our stuff quickly.

Yume nods his head even when looks completely focused on his steps. His brows furrowed while he bits his lower lip to not fall over.

On the porch, I look at Sana who was waiting for us with a smile. The both of us wanted this change, we wanted a new place to start and somewhere far away from where we came from.

"The keys are on my left pocket, just take it" I tell Sana.

She takes the keys from my pocket and unlocks the door for us. she pushes open the creaking front door and we're greeted by the sight of a bare house. The small living room had a large fireplace which I was thankful for.

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