4| Mate| Call|

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This is a slow story but hang in there guys XD

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Filtiarn have had this itch that he can't seem to scratch because it's the one on his mind. No matter what he thought or tried to distract himself from it, it's all he could think about. It has gotten so bad that he, the Alpha of the Northern Mountains, stood from his desk and shifted as he jumps out of his window to do it.

It was the human. He doesn't know why it's bothering him so much; his wolf and gut says that there is something up and he trusts both of those even if one of it is often annoying. It's been a while since they've argued to a point that he broke down and did what the fucking wolf asked.

He caved and ran in wolf form to the small cottage that the girl and her children lived in. it was on the edge of his territory but it's still part of his jurisdiction, so he inevitably keeps her safe from rogues who kept killing humans and made it seem like they were simply missing.

Äiti should know when to stop being so nicehe grumbles to himself while he paws even faster through the snow. He could feel every fiber of his body pushing everything he has to take more distance in.

We're getting closeArmo says in his mind, he perks their ears to the direction of the sound of curtains hitting a glass window. He knows it's the cottage since it is the only house near the territory.

What is wrong with you?Filtiarn asks, his annoyance obvious in the tone of his voice. But he is met with the cold silence of Armo who was too busy focusing on the job at hand. The job of looking for that human's cottage.

Filtiarn huffs in annoyance at the stupid wolf that wouldn't listen. So, they ran as fast as their paws could get to the small and cold and isolated place. What kind of teenage Mom would choose a place like this to live in? Someone who is hiding something, that's for sure.

He has never seen the humans before and he has to spend dinner with them later which he is already late to. He could afford being late if it meant he'll figure out what this human is up to. He even made his own research about the humans. Made a background check but for some reason it was all empty which could only mean two things, the girl is important enough that she has connections that can wipe out her background information or someone is helping her hide and that sounds like what his mother would truly do for a stranger.

All he knows is that they're Japanese citizens, and there is a little girl and boy who are siblings with a very single mother. But no father. It's typical for human fathers to just leave since they often have no spine at all.

When he was close, his nose was stuffy due to the cold and wet snow. He for sure knows that once he shifts in human form, it would be red and a bit painful to breathe through it. Goddess the trouble I go through for this stupid human that thinks too much of herself as a victim.

He shifts back to human form once he sees it. The quaint little house that was once owned by someone in the pack but chose to let some humans rent it due to his mother's request. He isn't like this with other humans who move to his town, but the story is a bit different if your mother frets over them like a lost faun.

She was the one who spent her time arranging everything for them, their transfer papers for their education, the things they needed to be able to stay in the country and even this stupid small house. It was simply not adding up. Something is off with this family and he isn't sure if his Mother knows anything.

It took him to opening the door before he smelled it. The smell that sent Armo crazy in his head. It knocked him down to his knees as his stomachs coils and uncoils at the scent that he will be addictive to till the end of mankind.

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