2| New| Life|

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Thank you for the votes and Comment so early on in the story. The translations are on the end but some of them are obvious with the context given but don't worry I still included them in the translation list. 

Reminder: Vote and comment and I'll update :P

2| New| Life|

"She's settling in well" Sven says, while throwing his hoodie off of his sweating body. He has just finished his morning run around the territory and is now going to get ready for school. For some reason, their new neighbor sparked some curiosity in both him and his wolf which led to him veering off his usual running route.

Mira looks at her youngest son. Her nose scrunching at the smell of his sweat that is slowly seeping in to the room. She stands from the couch with a frown and setting her book on the side. "Go get a shower, you need it, and also did she receive the new furniture?"

He nods "She was expecting just a couple of things. She didn't really expect us to give so much stuff. She wanted to give it back, but I handled it"

Mira smiles, she can't help but smile at the thought of the young girl in her mind. She never had a daughter which made her endear more to the teenage girl. "That's good since that cottage is so old and cold. We just gave her the essential stuff"

"Äiti are those kids really hers?" Sven asks, not being able to contain himself as he slowly wipes the sweat off of his body with a towel that he left on the coat hanger just for this purpose.

"I think so, I didn't really ask. I wanted to, but I thought it would be invasive, so I just assumed they were. She told me they were her kids so" Mira licks her lips while sitting back down on her lounge. "Did you fix their plumbing? Maybe, I should come by later"

"I did and she's starting school now, so I think that's not a good idea" Sven answers, he didn't realize his words until it was too late. Mira was already grinning at him like a Cheshire cat "Äiti, don't even start"

"Baby, it's okay if you have a crush on the sweet human. She's a good girl but remember you have a mate out there and it'll just—"

"I know Äiti! That's why I'm not doing anything. I'm just a friend and her neighbor" Sven sulkily walks up to the steps of his room.

He knows that this crush shouldn't be encouraged since it's hardly a nice thing to do to a single teenage mom to just break her heart when he finds his mate. plus, he was just helping out there didn't need to be anything else that comes along those lines. It's all platonic.

Sven was too mixed up with his thoughts that he didn't see his older brother in front of him, he is snapped back in to reality when the much taller behemoth ruffled his wet hair.

"Ack! That's disgusting" His older brother wipes the sweat off of his hand on Sven's pants.

"It's your fault Ilti and shouldn't you be in the pack house and not bothering Ishä with your whining" Sven steps to the side while trying to get to his room. Laughing silently at his dark-haired brother who followed behind him.

"Hey, let's see if you won't be the same once your off age and you don't have a mate" Filtiarn roll his eyes at his little brother. "Also, I'm here for pack business you, stupid pup."

"You're going to check our new neighbor? She isn't a threat but just a teenage Mom with two kids" Sven pushes open his door and didn't close it behind him as Filtiarn leans on the door frame while he goes to take a shower.

"Yes, I know but I still need to double check. I tried to get some information from the vanhemmat but all they know is that she's from a foreign country and left it with the hopes of starting a new with two of her kids. She might be a hunter for all we know"

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