Too Chicken

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♡ Tyler's POV ♡

After what went down at the park, I went back to my car to go home. I got in my car and plugged in my phone, only to realize the chord was broken. Great. Good thing my mom's rule is always have a backup, and a backup for the backup. On any other day I'd question it, but today I was more than glad to have it. I grabbed the spare, only to realize it was stuck. You'll never guess what was holding the wire down. A phone. Not mine, but Lexi's phone. Guess I'll go return it. Yes I know where she lives and no I am not a creepy stalker. I just happen to live across the street from her. Anyway, I went by her place and knocked on the door.

Josh's POV ♡

After everything that went down with Nate, the two of us talked about it for a while until we felt like everything that needed to be said was said. I was on my way upstairs to go check on Lexi when I heard a knock at the door.

"Nate! Would you mind getting the door? I'm gonna go check on Lexi!" I hollered.

"I'm on it!"

I went up to check on my sister and opened the door, which was pushed forward. There weren't many rules set in place for her, but the main rule I had was that her room door had to stay open unless she's changing. She didn't like it at first, but got over it when she realized I wouldn't budge. I entered the room to see her facing the wall.



"What happened?"


"Really? Then why do you sound like a five year old without a cookie?"

I got a solid hit to the shoulder for that one, but she's not very strong so it felt more like a poke. She sat up in her bed, only to lean against me all the way. I held her close as she started rambling on about God knows what. I sat there quietly shushing her before she starts freaking out.

"B-but t-then I-I-"

"Ssshhh... breathe Lexi. Breathe. In and out. There we go... much better."

"Why are you so upset people don't usually get to you this much?"

"He said I was stupid and made me feel dumb."

"Oh Lexi... you're not dumb or stupid no matter who says what. Okay?"

"No one?"

"No one."


♡ Nate ♡

I got the door while Josh went to go check on Lexi. Only problem was that when I opened the door, there was no one there.

"Who was at the door?" Josh asked a while later after deciding to talk to Lexi about the eating thing later as she was done for the night.

"No clue. They must've left before I got to there."

"Stupid high school kids and their juvenile behavior."

"Speaking of high school kids, what's yours up to?"

"Okay that's weird. She's my sister not my daughter and she's sleeping."

"At 5? The sun hasn't even set yet."

"She a rough day."

"What happened?"

"She got detention then got paired up with someone to help her and they made her feel bad about herself."

"That can't be good..."

"She'll get over it. She always does. She's just never responded well to frustration."

"Who does though?"



Tyler's POV ♡

I went to go return the phone, but then I remembered her brother used to be top wrestler at our school and I chickened out, knowing that it was his little sister I just messed with. I'm going to return the phone, I swear, I just can't face him. I'll just give it to her tomorrow, she won't care, or will she?

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