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I walked back out to the living room, finding Lexi out cold on the couch all cuddled up to Tyler.

"Sorry about that shes a clingy sleeper," I whispered to him, carefully trying to to pry her off of him without waking her, which in itself was a challenge considering the fact that she is one light sleeper. After much difficulty, I gave up on trying not to wake her and just picked her up to which she let out a whine but was content with me holding her.

"No worries. Where's Lilly?"

"She's in the basement with Nate watching finding dory."

"Okay. I'm gonna go see if things have settled at home, I'll come back and get her once they do," he spoke, getting up from the couch, about to leave.

"You're more than welcome to stay here if you'd like."

"Nah that's okay wouldn't want to burden you with more things. You already got your hands full.."

"At least stay the night? It's late and I really don't want either one you out there right now, it's late."

"Fine. I suppose we could stay the night. I'll go let mom know," he said before going off to the other room to make the call.

I was quickly pulled away from my thoughts by Lexi, who woke up at all the talking and light.

"Mhfhnjksjm," she tiredly mumbled something incoherent.

"Hey there.."


"I know. I know. It's late. Let's go upstairs okay?"

She nodded tiredly, shifting around in my hold to block the light.

With that, I took her upstairs and tucked her in since she was already in her pajamas from the night before. Only thing was, me leaving the room was not okay with her at all and so the second she sensed me leaving, she let out another whine. Knowing better than to leave her when she's like this, I layed down beside her and got her back to sleep. I sent Nate a quick text regarding the sleeping arrangements before falling asleep myself beside her.

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