Overdoing it

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Josh's POV:

Once Nate and I recovered from our not so secretive spying mishap, we went downstairs and found a note from Lexi in the kitchen. It read that she went on a quick jog around the block and would be back soon. Since she said around the block, she'll probably go around a few times and be back in an hour. With that, Nate and I just chilled for a while before going to do our own stuff.

Lexi's POV:

I know I said I was going on a quick run around the block, but one thing lead to another and I ended up at the gym. I ran all the way there and got onto the first available machine, which was the treadmill. I don't know what came over me, but I suddenly became aware if all the weight I had gained and had to lose to keep my mind at ease. I thought about how my ribs were no longer even the slightest bit visible and I felt like an ugly, fat potato. I ran and ran on that thing, ignoring the sting in my legs from overdoing it.

"Lexi?" I heard a voice I wasn't expecting to hear. Tyler. I ignored him and continued doing my thing.

Tyler's POV:

I was at the gym doing my thing when I saw someone who looked a lot like Lexi. I brushed the possibility of it being her off since she didn't seem like one to work out. I've had PE with that girl enough times to know she has zero strength and is about as athletic as a door. Besides she basically a twig there's not a lot of reasons for her to be working out anyway. I saw the girl walk in and go straight for the treadmill. Ignoring this, I carried on with the rest of my stuff.

About an hour later, I finished my thing and noticed the girl was still going on the treadmill even faster. She really looked like Lexi, so I called out to her but she ignored me. This confirmed it was her as she's the worst at ignoring people.

"Lexi get off there, you've been there for over an hour you should take a break."

"I-I'm not - even - tired."

"Uh huh. Yeah. That's why you can't even finish you're sentence. Off. Now. Or I'm gonna cause a scene and drag you out myself."

"Fine. Gotta move on anyway."


She got off, steadying herself before moving to a different area and doing what I think were crunches. Honestly I have no idea. The poor thing was beyond exhausted and done, yet she was still continuing.


"Shut up Tyler you're ruining my flow!"

"Okay, that's it," I went up to her and swiftly threw her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Hey put me down I'm not done!"

"Yes you are. You're going to pass out if you don't."

"No! It's not a proper workout unless that happens a couple times!"

"Lexi... this isn't the first time you've done this, is it?" I asked extremely concerned.

"No. Now will you put me down. I know what I'm doing I can handle myself."

"No. I'm taking you home."

"Fine. But you better not tell my brother or it won't be pretty."

"Mmhm... yeah sure."

With that, I got her out of there and sat her down in my car and drove her home. I carried her to the door and rang the door bell and came face to face with Josh.

"What happened? Where the fuck have you been? God you're so stupid I thought you were kidnapped!" he worriedly spoke, taking her from me.

"What happened?" Nate asked.

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