After The Talk

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"You look like your waiting to talk to the principal." You chuckled, seeing Jess sitting on the floor next to Slenderwomans office door. Jess lolled her head in your direction a stared up at you.

"Hardy har har." She said dryly.

"How going?" You asked, pointing to the door to indicate the situation at hand.

"Well, the little faggot hasn't yelled in a few minutes, I assume it's going well. I hope Miss Slender ripped him in half." She shrugged with a smirk. You sighed, shaking you head slightly.

"What's the deal between you two?" You asked.

"Oh, I killed his family a few years back, guess he's still sore about it." She answered, placing a perfectly manicured nail between her lips. You blinked at her in surprise. You knew James didn't have any family, but he had told you they died after their car was flattened by a train derailment. You never questioned it out of respect but now you kinda wish you had.

"So, he tries to kill you?"

"Every time he lays eyes on me." She nodded as the door opened and James slunk out. A thin black tentacle followed him, bending at the end as a beckoning to Jess.

"Your turn, dear." Slenderwomans voice called. Jess heaved herself up and smiled down at you.

"I won't be long, sweet heart." She smiled, purposefully shoving past James and going into the office, the tentacle close the door behind her. You remained sitting,s taring at the closed door for a few beats before looking up at James. He stared down at you, his expression unreadable.

"'re with her." He said pointedly. Yous stayed silent, only nodding. He sighed, running his fingers through his hair. "You're an idiot, you know that?" He bluntly stated. "She's a killer. She's hardly human anymore. She will slit your throat the first chance she gets.

"You don't know her full story, do you?"

"No, I don't, nor do I care. She's a killer."

"And if you kill her what does that make you?" You countered, standing up.

"Once I kill her, I'm done. I'd have freed the world from her curse."

"She's not a curse." You growled, shoving past him and going down the hall. You couldn't be around him right now.


You sat at the dining room table with Benny and Hoodlum, eating your lunch.

"I swear, the girl acts like she's immortal." Benny said, shaking her head with a smile. "She's strong, yes, but invincible? Hardly."

"She's deadly as hell, though." You commented, munching on some chips.

"Please, if she doesn't have knives, she might as well be blindfolded and bound." Hoodlum huffed. You quirked a brow at her and looked to Benny, who had shoved half her grilled cheese into her mouth, holding up a finger for you to wait. You patiently did so as she swallowed and ran her tongue over the interior of her mouth, getting rid of the cheesy goo before opening her mouth to speak.

"She's sadly right. Jess has her strength but her weaknesses as well. Should have seen her the day we all stole her heels, she couldn't walk very far without collapsing!" She laughed. You chuckled as well, imagining it.

"I don't care whatcha think~ as long as it's about me~" A sultry voice sang, followed by the clicking of heels.

"Speak of the devil and she shall come." Hoodlum groaned.

"The best of us can find HAA-aappiness in miii-iii-ii-iisery~~" Jess belted out, arms spread out as she waltzed into the dining room.

"Hey, girl." Benny smiled, turning to her friend.

"Ah, my faithful subject!" Jess gushed, hugging Benny around the shoudlers, pressing their cheeks together. "Tryna steal my man?"

"Me? Nah, Haha, he's all yours." Benny smiled.

"Thank you, it's not like you could with those mosquito bite tits of your anyway." Jess said off offhandedly, turning and going to the fridge.

"Hey!" Benny yelled angrily before turning to you. "I'm not that small am I?" You bravely let your eyes go down to her chest and you nearly burst out laughing. She was wearing a black basketball tank top that went a bit past her ribs. You literally saw NOTHING. No bumps.

"Benny, sorry, I gotta agree with her, don't really have anything." You shrugged. Benny let her shoulders slump, staring at you with utter disbelief, actually, it almost looked like she was devastated.

"Seriously?" She squeaked. You nodding, biting into a chip while Jess was currently dying of laughter on the kitchen floor.

"Yup." You held up your hands, making a rectangle with your fingers and thumbs, closing one eye and holding them up in front of you so you only saw Benny's chest. "If I do this I see and adolescent boys body." You said calmly before busting out laughing along with Jess, who was trying to stand but failing from her laughing.

"HAHAHAA!! I-I-HAHA! I can't Behehehehelieve hehehe, saheheid it!" She guffawed, her eyes rolling back.

"You guys are fucking DICKS!" Benny yelled.

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