{ 18 } done

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It's crazy to think that something that's been going on since the majority of one's life at high school could be stopped almost in a single snap of fingers.

Sometimes, someone somewhere can just go out of their way somehow and ruin it. But it's all for the best if you look at it from my perspective.

Love plays a very big role in this incriminated world, this ugly but beautiful world.

However, we are the best actors and actresses who hide under this strange and almost unchanging atmosphere.

But really, if you look at it my way, the English professor, Jungkook's boyfriend, is by far the best actor of all. Intelligent, handsome, caring, seems romantic, you could even say poetic as well and what not?

And thats the reason why we don't need him in this "play." Wouldn't you agree?

After all, I am the director, aren't I?

Now, my friends, let's see this beauty unfold, get comfortable, I assure you that it won't be the most perfect of all the other scenes, but it'll still bring out the same excitement and you may still enjoy it just as much as I did.

The second greatest part of this beautiful play.

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Taehyung sipped the coffee from the small cup that was in his hand as his other hand was holding the phone to his ear a finger drumming against the phone impatiently.

Finally the beep confirming that the call had been accepted was heard.

"Hello, Jimin." His voice was so dark and deep it almost sounded as if he was annoyed replacing his usual calm and collected voice.

[ Taehyung? ]

"It's over."

[ Hm? ]

"It's over. Yoongi and Jungkook, over."

[ Seriously, wow, great job! I knew you could do it. Damn you're simply one hell of an actor, aren't you? ]

The expression of the brunette male darkened just enough to equally match his deep voice.

"Don't let this get into that thick head of yours, we are not friends nor will we ever be. You got what you wanted and I got mine and that's that. I want you to delete my phone number right after I hang up. I only did this for Jungkook, now you better leave him alone if you want to continue seeing the world everyday." He spoke slowly, as he wiped his mouth with his napkin and crumpled it tightly just at the thought of Jimin ever laying his hands on Jungkook.

[ I promise, Tae—]

Before the other could finish his sentence, Taehyung hung up and placed some bills on the marble table before getting up and leaving the cafe.

Once outside, his thoughts were on where Jungkook and Yoongi could be but it didn't make sense that they would be together, certainly not after what he had just told Yoongi so he forgot about it and began to make his way towards the bus to go home.

As he walked along the crowded area, he entered a mall and strolled through it, which gave little hints of sparks in his eyes when the bright lights flashed against his pupils. He looked at a lady on the other side of the window of a shop, who almost fell when she was dressing up one of the mannequins.

He walked away and left, eventually reaching the lower ground level of the mall near the exit and that's when he saw it. Right in the corner of the high underground parking lot. Yoongi and Jungkook.

He leaned against one of the walls that was near the two males who were face to face so they couldn't see Taehyung and he was close enough hear the fight between the already ex-boyfriends.

"–so what you're saying is that you haven't been flirting around other men? Not a single one?" Yoongi asked, taking a long strides forward towards the younger until he was pushed right up against the dusty wall.

"Hyung, how could you even that? I would never do s-something li–like, that!" The younger couldn't even believe what was coming out of his boyfriend's mouth.

"Listen to me, Kook. I myself couldn't believe that you would actually do such a thing and I never even thought of it. But it all makes sense now. All those half-assed excuses you've been coming up with, leaving early during our dates, declining any of the dates I've been wanting to take you out on and, what? All of this is because of your mom's new boyfriend? Who's boyfriend is he actually, your mom's or yours?" Yoongi spoke through gritted teeth, his hands caging Jungkook between him and the wall.

"Hyung! Wh-what the fuck?! Is that really what you think of me? Th-That's disgusting. I-I swear, I'd never do something like that, hyung–shit, I-I only love you!" The younger cried out, tears streaming down his face.

"You know what, Jungkook? Let's fuck," Yoongi suddenly spoke out, slowly releasing the younger male.

"Wh-Wh-What?" Jungkook choked out.

"You heard me. You and me in the car here, right now," the older male spoke out, fumbling through his pockets in search for his car keys.

"Bu-But Yoongi-hyung, I–I already told you before that I'm j-just not ready fo-for this yet." He whimpered desperately.

"Well, get ready now. A relationship for 4 years now and no sex but all you can do is grind on other men like the whore you are," Yoongi couldn't believe what he was saying now but it's as if someone had taken control of his mind, his body moved on its own pinning Jungkook against his car now as he looked him straight in the eye.

"Hy-Hyung . . please, don't do this—I, I love you so much . . J-Just wait a l-little bit more I–please, hyung," he begged Yoongi, weakly clutching onto the older's hands which were gripping at his hips.

"Shit, then let me fuck you like the fucking whore you are. You love me, right? Then fucking show it to me, now, slut," the older man grunted out as he trailed his hands lower towards the younger's crotch.

"Stop!" Jungkook, on instinct yelled at the top of his lungs, finally pushing the older man away from him.

"That's it, we're done," Yoongi coldly spoke as he sighed and got into his car before driving off. Without sparing a second glance at the younger, leaving him in the corner of the parking lot.

Jungkook slid against the wall until he was in a sitting position and began to cry out a little louder, using the sleeves of his shirt to wipe the uncontrollable tears that were falling from his eyes.

Taehyung reflected on what he had done. This was Jungkook's new path now. He walked towards the crying male who took no notice of him as he gently lifted him up.

For a millisecond, he felt a slight feeling of guilt and pity for the boy but he quickly forgot about it as he approached his car and placing the younger at the backseat, making sure he was secured with a seat belt.

The whole ride home he was grinning from ear to ear that seemed to fade away any feelings of guilt and pity or any unhappy thoughts.

Everything happens for a reason.


a/n: huehueee finally gonna be starting to write new chapsss after this, yall are rad for still reading this :)))))

mom's new boyfriend // vkook [rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now