Early Labour

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My phone rings as I clear the apartment, "I bet its dad, again." I say out loud. Adam is at work, while I'm home clearing. It's been two weeks since we found out I was pregnant but we hadn't told an one, yet. I walk to the phone, and see that the caller ID was Riley. "Hello." I say as I answer the phone. "Oh my god, Tia. It's Mickayla see gone into labour... really early. See wasn't due for an other two and a half weeks. Can you come to the hospital, now!" Riley begs.
"Oh no, ummm... yeah I'm coming down now." I say in a shaky voice. I hang up the phone, grab my car keys and purse and run down stairs. "I hope she's alright." I say out loud again. MK is was to early to give birth now. If she was one week to go it would be perfectly normal. I quickly call Adam to tell him what's going on. "Hey babe, I'm going down to the hospital. It's Mickayla she's gonna into labour." I say with my eyes on the road.
"Isn't she a little early?" Adam asks.
"Yeah, we're all worried."
"Ok, well drive safe. I finish work in a hour. I'll be there soon, love you, bye."
"Bye, love you too." I say before I hang up. I race down to the hospital and see MK's car. I go in side to the nurse at the front desk. "Hi, my best friend Mickayla Hodgson has just gone into labour..." But before I could finish somebody behind me calls...
"Tia." I turn and she its MK's grandmother, Charlotte.
"Charlotte, hi how are you." I walk over to her and give her a hug. "Where's Mickayla?"
"Hi, I'm good. She's this way, come on." I follow her to a room where all of Mickayla's and Riley family are, Jess (MK's Mum), Elliot (MK's Dad), Lilly (MK's Sister), Aidan (MK's Brother) Charlotte, Gabriel (MK's Grandfather), Sawyer (Riley's Dad), Ellen (Riley's Mum), William (Riley's Step-Dad) Faith (Riley's Sister), Hayden (Riley's Brother), Eleora (Riley's other Sister) and Violette (Riley's Step-Sister ).  I walk over to Mickayla who is kneeling on the floor, with her upper body against the bed. "Hey hon, how are you?" I ask her.
"In pain." She cry's
"Its gonna be alright, you can do this." I tell her and a few seconds later the doctor comes in and walks over to the machine that Mickayla is hocked up to. "Ok, your ready. Your three centimetres dilated, you can start pushing. Can I have everyone out of the room but two. Mickayla you get to choose who you want in the room with you." The doctor says.
MK looks up at Riley, "Of cause I want you Riley and you Tia." She looks at me.
"I'd be honed to stay with you." I cry. She smile and Riley and I help her up, while everyone else leaves. "Hold on, before we do this I just want to say. What ever happens tonight, I just wanted to say, I'll always love you." Riley goes to pull something out of his pocket, "I love you Mickayla, will you marry me?" He asks.
"Yes, of cause I will." Mickayla cry's. They hug and MK lies down ready to push. I stand there watching her son been born, "Come on MK, you got this." Straight after I say that, Charlie Blake Robert Longpick is born, healthy and safe.

Half an hour later Adam arrives and I take him in to see his new nephew or god child. Mickayla made us the God parents and I feel so blessed. Adam picks up Charlie and I stand at his head. I run my finger on Charlie forehead. My eyes start to tear up and Mickayla notices. "I knew this was a big night, but not that much. Why you crying?" She asks.
"Nothing." I lie.
"Tell me now!" She looks very sassy now.
"OK, well I don't what to take the spot light off you guys but ummm..., well I'm just thinking that will have this experience in nine months." I smile.
"Wait... are you guys. Oh get over here and give me a hug, cause I cant get up." Mickayla opens out her arms. "Yeah." I walk over to her and hug her, while crying like crazy. Stupid hormones!!!

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