Adam's Secret

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I climb out of bed and quietly but quickly walk into the bathroom. It's been 3 months since I found out I was pregnant and morning sickness is not my friend. Ugh, here I go again. Vomit comes out of my mouth and into the toilet bowl. It's so gross. I gage and another lot comes out. I let out a deep breath and close the toilet bowl. I flush the toilet and then sit on it. I hold my stomach and whisper "Can't you be nice?" I walk over to the sink and wash my mouth and face clean. This is not how I like my mornings to start. At lest this should be the last day or two. I hear the door open slower and see Adam walk in. "Sorry babe, did I wake you again?"
"No, I didn't get much sleep last night and I wasn't asleep when you got out of bed. How's nugget?" He says giving me a hug.
"It's good but why didn't you get any sleep? Did I kick you to much?" I smile.
"No." He laughs, "I've just been thinking." He doesn't look good, I wonder what's wrong?
"Ok, what?" I say confused.
"Arh, well I have something to tell you." He says, pulling me to the bed.
"What?" I'm now a little angry or annoyed, I don't know this pregnancy thing is confusing.
"Three year ago I met a girl, here name was Lily. We got pretty serious and I prosed to her." He pauses and puts his head down. "Ok, why didn't you tell me?" I say. I'm start to get annoyed why didn't he tell me this before we got married. I knew getting married at such a young age was a mistake. "Well, I didn't know how or when, to tell you. But there's more... we actually had a baby 10 months later and a-loped with the baby boy but they died in a car crash." He holds my hands and I stand up furious. "What the hell. Why didn't... ugh, I can't handle you now." I run out the room, tears pouring out of my eyes, like a waterfall. I have to get out of here and go somewhere but it's four in the morning, where do I go. Mickayla's! I run out the door and grab my keys on the way out. I door bags behind me and I run to the elevator. I have to get out of here quickly. I drive to MK's and not soon after I get there. I know she's all ready awake so I knock on the door. She does take long to open the door and then she see me. Still in my PJ's, crying, smell like vomit and really pissed. "Hey, what's wrong." She says softly while pulling me into a hug. "Adam he told me something, that he should have to me before we got married. He's such a d*ck."  She pulls me inside and onto the couch.
"What did he tell you?" She takes me hand just like Adam did.
"He was married to some chick named Lily, three years ago and they have a baby boy. Lily and the baby died in a car crash. Why the hell did he tell me this before. He knows I'm pregnant and he shouldn't of dropped this big boom on me, now!" I yell. 
"Shhh, I just got Charlie to sleep. Ok, well this is big." She says.
"I know, I don't know what to do." I tell her.
"Well, your gonna need him, when you have the baby. I need Reilly a lot. I can't imagine life with out him, being a mum is hard." She whispers. 
"Yeah, ok. Well I'm gonna go for a ride, I need to clear my head. The horses still out the back?" I ask. Ever since I left dad, both of the horses and their stuff is in MK's Stables. Since we don't have the space in the tiny apartment.

I open the rotted stable door as it creaks sending me a blast of hay and dirt smell into my face The narrow cracks in the wall let in beams of bright light, as I looked around to the eight stall doors filled with dun, black, bay and white horses. I walk over to my bay race horse and give her a pat. "Your stall needs cleaning out, doesn't it." I say out loud. I put my hands on the old oak wooden door that has been her for over three decades. I lean on it then sigh. I walk out to Boomer, two stalls down and give him and pat. "Wanna go for a ride?" I ask my paint horse. I almost forgot that I was pregnant. "Sorry boy, we cant." He snorts then nozzles me and I pat his muscles. "I'll give your guys stalls and clean out while you guys be out with the other horses." I tell them. I walk over to the other side of the stable and grab four lead ropes and halters. I grab out Boomer and Eat My Dust, well that's her racing name but her barn name is Storm. I take them to the sand arena. I then go back inside and grab two of MK's horses. Avatar and Killer Runner (his running name but his stall name is Dolton). I take them out too. They run off all happy. I smile to myself and walk back into the stable. I leave Mickayla's other four horses in their stalls, Matilda, Actress, Magic and Pepper. Matilda is a palomino pony, she absolutely adorable but she's very stubborn. Actress is a black horse, with a white star on her forehead. She lovely but can be a bit of a pig. She takes off a lot but I have learnt to control her. Killer Runner or Dolton is a charm retired race horse but he still loves to run. He challenges my young Storm a lot, too. Pepper, is Mickayla's new colt. He isn't broken in yet but he is very friendly. He's a salt and pepper coat horse.
Magic is MK's oldest horse, who is very retired. He's palomino too and was the first horse I rode. Avatar is Mickayla's favourite horse, she's black with a little light white star on her head.
I grab the shovel and start to shovel out Boomers stall. The poops smells so much worse when your pregnant. I look out his stall window that his basically a hole cut out of the wall, so he can look out. It's done in all the stalls. I watch Storm chase her bother, Dolton. I realise, how much they need each other. I need Adam...

Hey guys sorry for the late update. It's hard to upload some times but I'm really happy with this one. Comment if you like it. Thanks guys. Bye.

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