Baby Shower Plus Drama Doesn't Go Well

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Today was the day of my best friends baby shower, Mickayla. She's having a little baby boy and his name is Charlie. She has invited Adam, Harry, Lilly (her sister), Josh, Cable, Sally (her Mums friend), Melena, Jess (her mum) and me, of course. I throw on a pair of shorts and a T, as I eat my toast, quickly. I am gong down to MK's place before the party to help her set up, so it didn't matter what I wore. "Babe, I'm going now." I yell out to Adam as I walk out the door. I quickly text Mickayla as I run to the elevator. 'Hey sorry I'm running late but I'm going now, see ya soon. ;)' I send her. I didn't take long before I got to hers. I walk around the back to see MK setting up in a cute baby blue dress. "OMG, you look so good. I haven't seen you for so long." I yell as I run over to hug her.
"Really, I missed you so much. 2 months till his out. Thank God." She says with a sigh.
"I miss you too." I laugh. "Now, what do you want me to do?" I ask.
"Well, since I can't go up the ladder, I'm gonna need you to hang the fairy lights." She says pointing to the edge of the house. "Ok." I walk over to the ladder and start to climb up it. "Where's Riley, isn't he coming tonight?" I ask hanging up the lights.
"No he is coming he's just getting a big present for the baby. He says, it's a special surprise and I'm not allowed to know." She giggles.
"Ooh." I says. "I wonder what it is. Is he getting you a push present?" I ask.
"What's that?" She asks with a confused face.
"It's a present for carrying and looking after the baby for nine months and pushing it out." I says as I finish with the lights. "Oh yeah, now I get a free present." She bobs her head to the music that was playing. I laugh and come down the ladder. "Anything else you need me to do?" I ask walking over to her. "Yeah just blow up theses three balloons, so I can put them on the mail box." She hands me three blue balloons and I quickly blow them up. I tie the last balloon and pass it, to her. "I'm gonna go now and get ready, if that's alright with you?" I say.

"Yeah, go, everything is good her. I've got to go get ready as well." She says hugging me.
"Ok, is that what your wear tonight?" I ask.
"No, its a surprise." She giggles.
"Ok, bye." I laugh. I walk to the car signing the song that was just on, Pillow Talk. I reach the car but get stop by a hand grabbing onto my wrist. I turn to see it was.. Riley. "Hey I need you." He whispers pulling me away to his car. He opens the boot and out pops a big golden retriever. "Oh my gosh. Is this the big surprise that Mickayla ways talking about?" I ask as the big dog jumps up on top of me wanting pats. "Yeah his name is Ace."
"He's so cute." I say giving him a kiss. "Why did you get him?" I giggle as he gives me kisses back. "I wanted something to protect them, Charlie and Mickayla." He say patting the dog.
"That's so sweet, are you getting her a push present?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna propose to her, when she has the baby." He says rubbing his neck, like he was  embarrassed. "She gonna love that, its perfect." I start to tear up, my best friend in the whole world is going to get married. "What?" He looks at me funny.
"I cant believe my best friend is getting married." I says crying even more.
"Hold up, she hasn't even said yes." He laughs.
"I know, she's gonna say yes." I cry.
"Really." His eyes get bigger.
"Yes." I laugh. "I've go to go now." I say getting up. I give Ace one last pat and then walk back to the car. "Bye." Riley calls out as I get in the car.

I get back to the hotel and see Adam in the lounge room, playing video games. "Hey babe, Riley is going to propose to MK." I say sitting down next to  him.
"That amazing." He say as he pauses the soccer game. "Do you think she's gonna say yes." "HELL yeah, she loves him and he loves her."  I say give him a hug.
"That's great."

The rest of the nigh went really good, MK loved Ace. Adam and I had a blast. We walk into the hotel and up to our apartment. I unlock the door as I giggle to Adam. "Yeah, MK loved it and Charlie was kicking up a storm." I turn on the lights and see... "DAD! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU DOING HERE!!!"

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