Academy tales: all for one and one for duck

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"Hello everyone, for those who doesn't know me and my lazy brother over there", he said, pointing his finger with an annoyed look towards Sleeping Beauty on a chair at the corner of the class, "I am Alexander Lightwood, but people call me Alec. The one who's sleeping is Jace Herondale or Jace Lightwood for that matter." An erruption of whispers and lightened up moods started and Jace's snoring made it seem impossible to shush down the youngsters.

It's been two years since the whole Cold Peace thing that forbidded interactions with the elves, aiding them or even speak to them. Not after what they had done. Some found it horendous just like Alec that this was made, but others thought that this justified everything after the whole Sebastian Morgenstern-incident.

From then on no one dared to even look at the elves, but the memory of Mark Blackthorn being taken by the Wild Hunt and Helen Blackthorn getting banned to a terrible place with her wife was still there, as if it all just happened yesterday.

Alec introducing himself and Jace were ment for the young ones who didn't know about the shadowhunting world and the wars that had been going on, mostly the ones who were mundanes who had 'the Sight', the ability to see the 'abnormal' on Earth, but also shadowhunters by blood of wich they didn't know they were one.

Alec lightly sighed as he clapped his hands, drawing all the attention back towards him. "Quiet everyone. I'm going to attempt something that will probably cost me my life. Heck, it's going to haunt me for weeks." Without any hesitation, he inhaled and prayed to to the Angel that whatever happens after he did it, won't end up in a full-on chasing scene through the Academy. As he closed his eyes tightly, he exhaled and yelled "DUCK!".

Jace screamed himself awake, fell of his chair and landed face first on the hard, cold classground. They all started laughing, some of them tearing up, another one trying to catch a breath in between laughs, Alec praying that the student won't choke in the process and others toppled over their chairs while the rest hit their desks with their fists, cackling like chickens.

Alec gulped, but couldn't stop his grin from growing wider as Jace got up groaning and looking around with a frown for the one that used his personal fear against him. Finally, he saw Alec grinning like a mad man and stood up. "Alec", he said, his voice going from the usual sarcastic remarks to the death tone that he has.

But before he could continue, Alec cut him off, saying "lesson number one people: surely never fall asleep during a battle...or classes. Jace could be you."

The blond let him finish before dashing towards Alec who lightning speed ran out the class, into the hallway and leaped over a couple of people standing in his way. "Alexander Gideon Lightwood, get your ass back here!!" Oh shit, Alec thought and dashed faster and faster until he reached the training room from the academy. There were shadowhunters training, but everyone stopped with what they were doing and gazed upon the show.

"Alec", Jace said in a dangerous voice, glaring at him. If looks could kill then he'd be already gone. "You shouldn't sleep so much, lazy koala."
"And you think ducks are okay?!!"
"It's better than waking you up like Clary does."

He knew what he said would make his brother go chase him again so he ran away -again, while the front doors opened and a confused Simon walked in along with Clary who just watched Jace going after poor Alec.

I know it's short, but this is only part one. I've been wanting to try something so I might wait with the next chapter of Shadowhunters Academy.

I'll try to upload it as soon as I can, but I won't make any promises.

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