Academy tales: All for one and one for duck: part II

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Simon and Clary came in and saw a very angry Jace chase a slightly distressed and grinning Alec through the Academy. Clary had called Izzy to help.

"So...mind telling me what happened, big brother?" Simon is standing next to Izzy with her arms crossed and an 'I'm tired of this bullshit' face while Clary stood beside Jace, sighing dissapointed at her boyfriend. Clary had called her to figure this problem out.

They had moved themselves to an empty training room after the chase scene of the two parabatai. As Alec told his story, Jace shifts a bit on his chair. He knows that Izzy can be scary -like for real scary, he doesn't really like to admit that tho.

If he wanted to have Izzy on his side and him on her good side he would need a good explanation for his resentment towards ducks. "And that is why he went after me. I know it wasn't nice but I didn't really thought ahead before I did it. Call it an impulse", Alec finished and looked at Jace who only quirked a brow.

"So you think that yelling that monstrosity's name out loud was a good thing?!"

"I said I was sorry! In a way, but I did nonetheless!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Alexander! By the Angel, I sound like Magnus."

"Hey, don't involve him into this!"

"Okay enough! Both of you!", Izzy shouted. Jace noticed Simon backing away in fear as if his life depended on it. He wanted to do that to, but Izzy would just push him back down on his ass. "You guys are like kids bickering for the last cookie, by the Angel grow up! Alec, what you did to Jace, using his worst nightmare to wake him up, was not okay-"

"Seriously Izzy-" she cut him off in a second with her glare and Jace closed his mouth again. "But you two shouldn't run around like kids in kindergarten in the Academy. What would mom and dad think about that?"

Alec sighed and stood up in defeat. He knows that his sister doesn't take no for an answer that quick. "You're right. I'm sorry Izzy, you too Jace."

"I'm sorry too Iz. But don't think I'm done with you yet, pal." Izzy threw her arms up, her turn to sigh in defeat and walked away. "Remind me to stay on her good side", Simon said and sat down by the window. He momenterally didn't have a problem with her so he's out of the danger zone.

Little did Jace know that she would let him feel karma so, so hard.


Jace and Alec had returned to the class they were assigned to and forgot about it until Simon had reminded them. He was there too on request to come tell them more about the famous group that went to defeat Sebastian Morgenstern.

Clary and Izzy had other things to do, saying that they were needed at the Institute wich was actually just a cover up for the two women to plot a good karma.

In the process, the students had calmed down and were listening to the ex-Daylighter's story about how he and the others had gone down to Edom to face the oh so infamous brother of Clary Fairchild. "It was hot, like sunburn hot. I'm not even sure if that's the way to describe it as it was to hot to come up with a way to describe it. We're going of track. As I was saying, we went to a cave that was luckely not hiding any demons and used it to rest in for a whole while. It wasn't comfortable but that was our only option. You would do it too if you were us." He thought about it for a sec and waved his hand like something smelled. "Nope, scratch that. I advice you not to go down there. It's bad for your health."

He had to be here, Jace thought. He rolled his eyes on Simon's 'advice', he really wanted to do anything else than teaching things to the fresh sprouts. What he could do for freedom.

A loud thud could be heard from the other side of the classroom's door, followed by something being opened and what sounded like little footsteps. The students were as much confused as the trio, but then Jace heard hundreds of very familiar frightening sounds that could only came from one type of animal.

Oh shit.

Izzy suddenly opened the door and a horde of ducks in all sizes waddled in, Herondale screetching inhumanly high and ran to the corner. If he could he would be already on the ceiling and Spidermanned out of the 'Room of Horror' as fast as possible.

"IZZYYYYY!!!", he yelled as loud as he could to overthrow the noise those ducks were making. But she was cackling by the door with her hands on her stomach and Clary, Simon and Alec doing the exact same thing.

The students however were confused as fuck as to why in the name of the Angel where ducks in the room. They all looked up at Jace who looked like he was about to cry.

Now he knows how much of a bitch karma is.

And oh how he would repay them for that later.


Soooo....this was part II of Academy Tales and also the last part of All for one and one for duck.

I hope you enjoyed this 'cause I liked writing it. Ofcourse there will be more oneshots coming but you just have to wait.

I might even do requests so ask away!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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