Hi~Chapter 1~

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Luke P.O.V

"Luke get up!" My mum yelled. It was my first day of senior year. Most people would be scared or nervous but not me. I'm rather exicted. I love school and that might be because I think school loves me. I've never been bullied. I had straight As. I had 2 amazing best friends, Calum and Micheal and My life at home was just as good. My mum is a sweetheart and even tho, things didn't work out with my dad and her, I know he still loves me and my mum and him are still good friends.

"Okay okay, I'm up mum." I answered. I was still sleepy from last night. Calum and I went to this amusment park and it was so much fun, we stayed until like 2 am...which was the time they closed.

I got out of bed and picked out my clothes for today. I got a Sleeping with sirens shirt and black skinny jeans, nothing fancy. I then went to bathrooom for a shower. I'm glad my mum woke me up early because I have long showers.

After my shower, I tried my dripping wet hair and body and throw on my clothes. I went out the bathroom and grabbed my bennie and black and white vans.

"Damnit, Luke! Clean up this bathroom, dude!" My brother Ben yelled. I just laughed and quickly grabbed my backpack and ran out the front door while kissing my mum goodbye.

Ashton P.O.V

"Ashton! Get you worthless ass up!" My dad yelled at me.

'Ouch' I thought. But I was used to it by now. I quickly jumped out of bed with ease. I couldn't sleep anyway, I mean, I was tired yes but I just couldn't close my eyeslids for some reason...oh well.

"Why the fuck do I have to keep telling to get up?" He yelled. He was obviously drunk because he only told me to get up once.

He grabbed me by my blond hair and pulled me close to him.

"When I say get up, guess what? GET THE FUCK UP?" He yelled in my face. He then throw my to the bathroom which was easy because of he's strength. He must have been very strong then because who could throw my fat ass.

He left the my room and as soon as the door was closed, I locked it. I then went over to my dresser near my window. I looked out of my window and saw my neighbour getting ready for school, I assume. What's his name? Tuke? I dunno. I cleared my thought and picked out my clothes for school. I got a long sleved Black Veil Brides shirt and skinney jeans. I rushed to the bathroom and took a quick shower.

After I was done, I let my wet hair air dry while I dried my body with my towel. As I was drying my awful, fat body, I saw a light piece of metal sticking out of my medicine cabnet. My blade.

I quickly looked away but the vocies took over once more.

Go on. Pick it up. Your so fucking worthless. So fat. So stupid. So pathitic. Your just a waste of space.

With that, I picked up the blade and sat down on the egde of my tub. I put the blade at the mid-high part of my wirst. I pushed down hard and slid the blade across my wirst, watching the blood hit the bathroom floor. I couldn't stop there. I made a few more but was stopped by my fathers banging on my bedroom door.

"OPEN THIS DOOR, YOU FUCK" He screamed. I quickly cleaned my cuts. They weren't to deep so bandage wasn't needed. I put on my clothes and opened the door for my father, only earning a slap acroos the face in response, making me fall to the floor.

"I PAY THE FUCKING BILLS, YOU BITCH! NEVER LOCK THE DOOR, UNDERSTAND?!" He yelled. I quickly nodded and he took one more glare at me before leaving the room. I felt tears fall but I quickly wiped them away.

I took a look in the mirror and saw the red hand print on my right cheek. Most people, would worry about how they would cover it up or what others would think but I didn't. Nobody cared to asked about the other burises, why would they now?

After hearing my father go into the down stairs bathroom, I quickly grabbed my backpact and jacket while I put on my converses and rushed out the door.

I put on my jacket and thrown the hood over my head and started walking to the hell hole, you would call school. But suddenly, I hit a tall figure which made me fall to the ground.

"My god, I'm so sorry about that. I wasn't paying attention to where, I was going." The boy said.

I looked up and my hazel-green eyes met a pair of blue. A beautiful blue, might I add.

He reached for my hand but out of reflex, I pulled back, thinking he would hurt me. He then eased back with a bit and worrying in his eyes. Wait, worry? Nobody gives a damn about me.

"Sorry- I-I didn't- umm." I tried to speak while getting up but failed as I slipped and hit the ground once more. A laugh ecaped his lips and usually, I would be upset that someone was laughing at me but he's laugh was to...to amazing to be mad at.

"Here, let me help." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. I was about to fall again but he caught me by my waist.

"Clumsy are we?" He said laughing. I could help but smile a bit.

We stood there, staring at eachother until the boy spoke up.

"I'm Luke. Luke Hemmings." Ohh, It's Luke not Tuke. God, I'm such an idiot.

"No your not." He said. Shit I said that out loud.

He laughed again so I'm guessing he heard that too. I blushed in responce but turned my head so he couldn't see.

"Gotta name?" He asked. I looked at him for a while before speaking.

"Y-yeah. I'm Ashton Irwin." I said. He smiled...god, his smile was stunning.

"Well, Hello there Ash!" He basically yelled. I couldn't help but laugh at his kid like joy but I soon started to blush again when I heard the nickname, I was given. Ash.

"Haha, Hi Lukey" I said. I covered my mouth would I realised what I just called him.

"Ha, It's fine. I like that name." He smiled. I smiled back which was weird.

Why was I smiling? Why was I laughing? I never smile nor laugh.

What was this boy doing to me?

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