Chapter 8

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Screaming wakes me as Loki falls out bed and gasps for air as he scratches his neck. He hits the wall and continues to struggle as I leap to his side.

Once he realizes he's safe, his body goes limp as he tries to calm himself. He gasps for air as he explains "I couldn't breathe!"

"Was it Thanos?" I ask and he nods, struggling to catch his breath "Breathe, Luka, breathe. Come on."

I sit with him, until he's calm down. Finally he sighs "Just go back to bed... I'm going to just go watch telle..."

"I'm coming with you." I declare.


After about thirty minutes, Loki is laughing at jokes on 'telle'. He snacks on popcorn. There's a light in his eyes that wasn't there last week. Eventually, he falls asleep, his head on my lap. And I fall asleep shortly after him.

I wake to a baby screaming and find that my friends are here "What are you guys doing here?"

"We need to talk to you." Banner declares and I look around the room to find they stare in concern.

We start down the stairs, only Loki stops me to give me a plate of some weird egg thing "It's Columbian. I spent a year there."

I smile at that, before disappearing down the stairs. Once we're in the lab, Barton sighs "Jarvis, keep an eye on Loki."

"There's no Loki in my system, sir."

"Luka." I grovel and Loki pops up on the screen in front of my desk. The screaming baby is asleep with his bottle in his mouth. The other two kids are also asleep. Loki sings in another language "What's he singing?"

"Czechoslovakian." Natasha states and I raise an eyebrow to her "My cousin sings this to her children. It's a lullaby."

As he continues his lullaby, I start to eat the breakfast and turn to my friends "So, what did you need to talk about?"

"The fact that you're dating a crazy junky." Barton states.

"He's not crazy, and he's not a junky." I state, before sighing "Anymore..." I clear my throat "And yeah, he has manic depression, but he's not sitting in an institution, a drooling mess."

I turn to my computer to search for photos of him at his worst. There's only one photo from that year. He sits on the mantion's garden. He wears a large jacket and sweatpants. His hair is a curly mess. He's paler than usual, and he looks like death. His right nostril issue red, suggesting he just got the tube out. He looks extremely thin. Thor sits across from him, sipping on his tea.

"He looks like death." Steve states and I exit out of the the search engine.

"That was his worst." I state, turning around to face them "I can handle that. I need to be able to handle that."

"Why?" Barton asks, before looking up to the screen "He's moving." I swivel around in my chair and watch him.

He walks into the kitchen to put some food on his plate, before trying to move the pan and getting burned.

He backs away and hisses at the pain, before sighing and walking into my room. After making a barrier, he places the sleeping baby down and walks into the bathroom.

As he looks through the cabinet, I lean forward, hoping he doesn't find it. When he opens my medicine cabinet, he grabs a spray pain reliever.

He sprays his hand, before placing it back and grabbing some Tylenol "Is he taking drugs while watching my kids?"

"It's Tylenol." Banner tells him as Loki takes a couple, before placing it back. His eyes lock on something and he tenses.

He lets out a sigh, before grabbing his little black bag I hide in my medicine cabinet. He places it down and unzips it.

"Jarvis, find a better angle!" I hiss and it switchs to the mirrors view. Loki stands with the closed bottle against his lips, his eyes dull.

After a moment that lasts way too long, Loki opens the bottle and stares down at it. With a sigh, he turns to the toilet and empties the bottle.

As I let out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding, Loki returns to the bag and pulls out the razor blades. He spills them into his hand, before staring down at them. After a moment of moving the blades around in his hand, he looks over his shoulder to see if anyone is coming, before sliding one into his pocket and tossing the rest of them in the toilet.

Part of me breaks, and I can feel my friends staring at me in pity, as I continue to watch. Loki places a bullet in both of the bottles, before putting them back in the bag, and putting the bag where it was.

He reaches the door, before staring at the toilet. He stands there for a long moment, before pulling out the the blade and staring down at it. With a sigh, he walks towards the toilet, never looking away from the blade.

As he stands over the toilet, his finger traces along the side of the blade. He closes his eyes and bows his head in self-loathing, before dropping the blade in the toilet and turning his back on it. Relief rushes over me.

He stands there for a minute, before covering his forehead with his hand. After he's out of the bathroom, he turns to the tablet to flush the toilet, then turns to the baby, who's now awake.

He picks him up, only to get vomited on. Loki scoffs and glares at the baby "You better be glad you're cute."

He kisses the boy's forehead, before wisping out of the room and into his. He grabs a new shirt, before placing the boy on his bed and unbuttoning his shirt. When he's down to his wifebeater, he gets a look at himself in the mirror and sighs "Why, don't I look like a pedophile?"

He scrunches his nose in disgust, before pulling on his shirt and buttoning it up. After he's tucked it in, he lifts the boy, and walks back into the kitchen to continue with his breakfast, as the baby is already back to sleep.

"Mister Stark, would you like to see the recording from two nights ago, again?" Jarvis asks.

"No!" I spit, instantly, before looking back at my friends with a guilty smile "Jarvis, why would you ask that?"

"Because you've view it several times over the past fourty-eight hours. These two items are your recent favorites."

I shrug at that as Loki goes to sit on the couch again "Jarvis, I want you to monitor what Luka is eating. Send it straight to my watch. Also, how many cigarettes he's smoking."

"That's a bit, stalkery, isn't it?" Steve asks as Jarvis confirms my orders "I mean, how long until you chip his phone?"

"It's just a precaution." I state, before looking back at Loki, who's dosing off on the couch "Just in case."

By the time we walk up the stairs, Loki snozes, baby in arms. I poke him to wake him and he looks around, before taking in a deep breath "I must have fallen asleep... what time is it?"

I check my watch "It's only nine." he nods, before handing the boy over to Natasha and walking into the kitchen.

When I follow him, he nurses a cup of coffee as I wrap my arms around his waist "I love you." I whisper in his ear.

"I love you, as well." he smiles, before noticing the concerned look on my face "What's wrong?"

"You're so brave." I smile and he gives a confused look "I thought you were going to leave with the blade."

He gives an odd look, before understanding "You were spying on me!" he spits, getting the attention from my friends "Tony Stark, you arse!" he smacks me across the face and I go into a daze.

"Actually, I was spying on you." Barton states, be pointing to his kids "To make sure you were okay with them."

Loki covers his face in embarrassments, before looking to me, apologetically "I slapped you!" he groans.

"It's okay." I smile, wrapping my arms around him "You can make it up to me later." I smirk and he grovels.

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