Frankie's POV

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Did Zach just say that. You can't be serious. I thought we had something..something special. He helped me thru everything like my grandpa's death. Were the cuddles fake.., Did he really care about me..,was he trying to get farther by using me. Fuck my life I really had feelings for him. Shouldn't have fallen for a straight guy. Now my life's over.

(Switches to ZACH'S POV) I should have really told him how I feel then saying I'm not gay. I don't know how I feel about him. I know I love him but idk if it's on a friend level or something else. That's when Cody woke me up. "Frankie's leaving dude" he said. "WHAT?!?" I said as I tears coming down my eyes. He dragged me up into the living room where everyone was and Frankie was having a house meeting. I tried to make him see me but he denied all eye contact. I saw luggage next to the DR and I knew it was forreal."My fellow houseguests, due to my loss and heartbreaking news I received, I'm leaving the big brother house." Victoria and the other girls started to cry. "I'm sorry but it's for the best my heart is being broken and I can't stay any longer" That's when he started crying. Everyone got up in a group hug while I sat their in disbelief and crying of him leaving. As everyone ended the hug, Frankie proceeded to DR when I ran to him,dropped his luggage and gave him a kiss.(A/N that's so beautiful😭💕👏✨)I knew he was very surprised but allowed me to kiss him. I heard a few aw's from the girls and then I backed up from the kiss and whispered in his ear,"Don't leave me I'm in love with you." And that's when we went into the fire room and talked about the whole situation. (A/N ZACHS LEAVING TODAY AND IM CRYING BUT HE BETTER WIN THAT JURY COMP😭✨)

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