DEC 25th 1916
FRANCE: Day 269Merry Christmas. Two simple words that change the expression on everyone's face as soon as they're said. It's like for a week or two, the war is forgotten about. We may still charge into Battle and we may still live through sleepless nights but waiting for Christmas is keeping us going.
"If we can live till Christmas, well bloody hell we'll be invincible!"
Blue said that a few days ago, and now here we are. Alive, well, and absolutely loving the silence that has seemed to engulf the front line. Even the Germans have stopped for Christmas.
Fair dinkum, we've been waiting for a cease fire for months.Anyway diary, I've got some pretty good mates who are waiting for a cigarette.
Thanks for sticking with me,
Clancy Taylor.-
"Mail!" Pete announces, gripping tight to a crate full of letters and parcels from home.By now, our families have worked out how long it takes for us to get mail and time it perfectly when sending things for our birthdays or, in this case, Christmas.
"Blimey Dogger you sure do have some people who love you." Pete scoffs, handing him a bundle of packages and letters.
"I live on a station idiot, I have a very big family." Dogger smiles, "even though all of them aren't related to me."
He pulls off his gloves, revealing his almost black finger tips."You should get those checked out Dog, don't want them to fall off." Spud coughs.
"Not until you get that cough checked mate. I'm giving them the hot water treatment for the last couple of days, it seems to be working." Dogger explains, he picks up the first parcel, inside is a packet of pencils, postage stamps, erasers, and a note pad of paper.
He sighs, "they always know just when I need things."
"Kununurra boys, three lots of mail for you, Tommy your Mrs must love you because I've never seen so many pairs of socks." Pete hands us each our bundle and we take it eagerly.
"Well, I won't have trench foot will I?" Tom returns, we laugh.
I look down at the bundle of letters from Elsie, Mum, Dad and Art. There's drawing from Alice with a lot more detail than the ones we were getting before we left. That little girl will be a lady before we know it.
I study the drawing of the horse in the stable, it had the same colourings as my horse Dusty. His white diamond on his dark brown nose and his big black eyes that stare deep into your soul. I love that horse.I set the drawing down and pull out a letter from Arthur. His handwriting is still shaky and his spelling is just as bad, but his jumbled words seem happier.
Dear Clancy,
Boy oh boy, what a year?
In January, I meet the most marvellous girl in all of Kununurra, at church might I add.
In February, she and I spent a significant amount of time down the creek.
In March, she saw me win our cricket grand final.
In April, she was cooking with mum for the workers in the shearing shed.
In May, she was teaching me how to spell.
In June, one of her brothers was killed and she slept beside me for a week.
In July, I taught her how to kick a footy.
In August, she was teaching me how to kick the footy.
In September, she made Daisy chains with Alice.
In October, she said I love you and I said it back.
In November, she and I spent more time at the creek.
Now, we are spending Christmas Day with their family.
Clancy, You won't believe it, but Olivia Edwards has captured my heart.
I can't wait for you to meet her brother, you and Ned of course.
All the very best,
Your happy brother,
Art.I laugh and hand the letter to Ned. He grins and punches my arm.
"Poor fellas in love." He says with a smile, a tear trickles down his cheek."You right mate?" I question.
"I'm right," he says, "I just forgot how beautiful my fiancé was and how much I miss home."
I give him a sympathetic look.I turn back to my mail and open the package that Elsie sent me. Inside the small wooden box was a bundle of dried lavender in a small bag, a small piece of card is tied on with string that read;
"To Remember France"
I smile as I smell the sweet scent, memories of that night in the warm water sprinkled with lavender wafts through my head.
A block of chocolate, a packet of boiled lollies, a new pack of cards, a new watch and a book of English poetry also rest in my box, with a letter from Elsie perched on top.My dearest, most infuriating Clancy,
Merry Christmas my love. Our second Christmas away from home and I still can't believe how much I long to see your freckles cheeks covered in that red Kununurra dirt.
We nurses have had our work cut out for us over the last few weeks, you boys sure do keep us very busy, but we are coping just fine. I do hope it settles down over the Christmas and New Year period, who fires a gun on Christmas right?
Anyway, I received my first letter from Father since we left yesterday. Goodness, after reading it I don't know whether he's proud or whether I'll have to come sleep in the Echo Valley station cottage when we get home. He said that; he wishes I wouldn't disobey him but he's certain I'm doing the best I can.
Charlie is apparently still alive, haven't heard from him for a while but I don't hear from you boys often enough, so I'm not surprised.
I miss you so Clancy Taylor, more than you will ever know. Close your eyes and remember our creek bed encounters, I seem to always be a little happier after I've thought of you.
I wonder where we will be next year?
All my love,
Your darling, resplendent Elsie.P.S. Now presents for me this year, I've already got all that I need.
I did get Elsie a present. I wrote her a book filled of short poems, and memories we shared together.
"Merry Christmas my love." I whisper in return as I kiss the paper
The Echo Of Youth
Исторические романы"I didn't realise that I could miss something as much as I miss my innocence." It's 1914, the world is at war, and it's unlike anything anyone has seen before. The men of cities and country towns are leaving for a cause much bigger than they realis...