Chapter 2

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-Princess Twi pov-

The girls walked me into the Canterlot High, the school i haven't visited ever since Battle Of The Bands happened.

" I miss this place... " i sighed looking up and down.

" We should take you to see Principal Celestia. " Sunset walked beside me.

" Sunset... we have classes to go to... " Scitwi spoke

" Oh right. Sorry Twilight. " Sunset turned to Scitwi and back to me.

" It's okay. You girls go ahead. I'm sure i can find my way around here. After all I've been here 2 times " i smiled.

" Alright then.. Are you in a rush to go home? " Sunset asked.

I shook my head. " Honestly there's nothing to do in my castle. "

Sunset giggled. " Ok, see you in the cafeteria for lunch? "

I nodded and waved goodbye to the girls.

" Alright Spike. " I picked Spike up.

" Time to go walk around to refresh our memories of this place. Hopefully things didn't change alot here... "

" And find Celestia. " He pointed to the hallway.

" Hmm, Celestia's office is that way? "

" Yes Twilight. "

" Ok then. "

I walked towards Celestia's office with Spike in my arms.

" Here we are. Knock on the door, Twilight. "

" Okay.. " I answered and knocked on the door with my hands. I still have to get use to them.

" Come in. " I hear Celestia's voice.

" Princess--Principal Celestia?" I mumbled while I slowly pushed open the door. The room wasn't really bright since the lights were off and I could only see the sun shining through the window.

"Who is it?" Celestia asked.

"Its me, Twilight. As in, Princess of the fall formal Twilight."

"Princess Twilight!" Celestia exclaimed and walked up to me.

I put Spike down and gave her a hug. It's been a while.

"How have you been, Twilight?" She asked while getting two cups of tea and signaling me to sit at the chair opposite her.

"Good." I answered.

Celestua passed me the cup of tea and nodded her head. "It's been a few months since you returned. What made you come back now?"

"I just miss CHS, that's all."

"Have you met your twin?"

"You mean, the Twilight who is hanging out with the girls? Yeah, I jsut met her."

"Yknow, she was a transfer student from Crystal Prep."

"Crystal Prep? Seems interesting."

"Yeah, and Cadence was part of that school too."

Both of us were just talking then suddenly the door opened.

"Hey, Principal Celestia. I've got some documents I need you to sign- Oh... Hey... Twilight."

I couldn't believe my eyes when I turned around. It was the one and only Flash Sentry, the guy whos been so nice to me since I came here and the guy who I've been crushing on too... I'd actually never thought I would see him now.

"Hi, Flash." I gave him a small smile, but not wanting to give him any eye contact.

"Thank you, Flash. Put them on the table." Celestia answered.

He walked towards her table and set the papers down.

"Flash, you remember Twilight from battle of the bands. Twilight, you remember Flash too right?"

We both nodded at the same time and blushed when we gave each other eye contact.

"Flash, why don't you give Twilight a school tour? The school looks a little different from before so maybe it's best if you understand every part of the school first." Celestia suggested.

"Uh,sure. I dont mind... If Twilight doesn't mind too..."

"I don't mind.." I mumbled.

I got up and walked to the door together with Flash. He opened the door for me.

"Twilight." Celestia called out. "Feel free to find me if you need anything."

"Thank you, Princes-- I mean.. Principal Celestia." I gave her an awkward smile. She smiled back and laughed. "Haha."

I turned around and walked outside with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2019 ⏰

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