Losers Swim

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We had all called our parents. Izzy and Mads said they were staying with Christina. Taylor, Amy, and I were staying with Amy, and Nat would be with Michael. Christina was staying with Mads.

I didn't have to call my dad, he was already thinking I was with Amy. In reality, none of that was happening, it's just what we told our parents. Tonight, we would sleep on the platform by the lake.

Everyone had crawled into the tree with their blankets and pillows. Joy was curled up against Jake as he rapped the blanket around them. Nat and Michael were talking, and Mads was hanging with Izzy and Christina. Taylor, Amy and I were talking while the music blasted.

"It's great, isn't it?" Taylor smiled.

Amy grinned and nodded in return, "I love lake day, we gotta do this until senior year, definitely!"

Blue and green lantern lights sparkled against their pearly white smiles. I nodded and smiled at the sky. When our peace was rudely interrupted.

"Guys! You guys!"

Oh great. The big oaf was walking over to us.

"Let's play truth or dare," a smirk spread on his face. I could see the glimmer of evil in his eye. I'm sure he already had dares listed in his head. Probably ranging from 'I dare you to jump in the lake' to 'I dare you to streak for the rest of the night'

Taylor and Christina were hesitant. Amy and I were usually up for it, and Michael went along. Mads was crazy for truth or dare, as was Izzy. Joy and Jake were busy eating each other's faces.

"Get a room!" Michael screeched.

Finally, we gathered in our circle of friends. Nat was starting, as it was his idea. He stared at me and smiled from ear to ear, "J," he uttered-

"Dare, you know me," I cut him off. I always picked dare. I've liked anything from pillows to toilet seats. Dares are better than truths.

He cocked an eyebrow in amusement, "I dare you to jump in the lake."

I scoffed. "That's it?"

He nodded, and I jumped in. I got a little cold, but it was alright. After I had dared Izzy to jump in also, she had asked Michael if it was true he was gay. Michael said no, and dared Nat to share a sleeping bag with me.

I froze. Him? And I? In ONE sleeping bag? All I could do was make a gagging face.

"Hey, that's not fair to me, that's more of a dare for me than for him," I stared at Michael. My face was burning with a blush, I could feel it.

I could see Nat's grin spread on his face. "Problem, J? Can't handle a little dare?"

I could hear my friends in the background.

"Ooh, you gonna take that J?" Taylor laughed silently as she mumbled the words.

"C'mon J, that's nothin," Amy smiled in encouragement.

I groaned. "Fine, I swear Nat if you do so much as lay a finger on me I'm pushing you off the platform."

Everybody was about done for the night. They quietly crept into their sleeping bags. I couldn't bare the thought of Nat that close to me. So, I did all I could do. I took in a deep breathe and slipped in. My clothes were still cold and damp. Nat slithered in and smiled, but it faded slowly as he saw the discomfort on my face, "I'm not that bad.. Am I?" He sounded fairly disappointed.

I was a little shocked at his reaction. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. He looked so... Sorry.

"You aren't.. I.. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," I shivered. Cold winds blew through the large tree, and since I was damp, it felt like icy shards were beating against my face and back.

"J.. I know you don't want me to do anything, and I'm not gonna.. But.. Your shivering J," he rested his forehead on mine.

I closed my eyes and sighed. My hands trembled and my lips were purple, "f..fine.. Do whatever you w..want," I mumbled. I sounded weaker than intended.

Nat smiled and wrapped his arms around me. Although I was uncomfortable, I had to admit, he was warm. Which, ironically, was pretty comforting.

"You don't have to do that ya know.." I rested my forehead against his chest and yawned softly.

I couldn't see Nat's smile, but somehow I could tell he was smiling.

"I know," he whispered quietly, to keep from waking others, "but you're cold, and I want you to be warm.."

I smiled and found enough room to look up at him, "That's actually really.. Sweet," I uttered.

Woah, never thought I'd say that to Nat.

"Thanks J," he smiled kindly. But, he did something I didn't expect him to do. He kissed the top of my head and held me against his chest. My cheeks were red. So red. Red like the scarlet you see burning in a candle's flame.

Nat seemed quiet after that, but I realized he dozed off after his grip on me loosened. So, I decided it was safe to fall asleep.

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