Longest Drive of my Life

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We're finally on the road. It's about time, too. We ha to make sure that Nat and I got everything, because he had left his things up on the platform.

"J.. I.." Nat stuttered, but I just climbed into the car and buckled up.

"Nat, what do you want?" I started the car and pulled forward and drove off of the leafy floor and onto the dirt road.

"I want.. I need you to know that.." I looked over at him and saw the desperation in his face. Honestly, I was struggling not to confront his being gay. I know he isn't. He can't be, but I can't tell Izzy.

He obviously has something to hide. He's faking his sexuality. There's a catch somewhere.

I can hear that annoying voice going on and on. I wish I'd stop trying to figure this out, because I don't want to be a burden.

Nat's POV

You have to tell her. If you don't she'll be gone forever. Just man up already!

That irritating voice inside my mind keeps poking at me. Unfortunately, that irritating voice is right. If I don't tell J, my chances with her a down the drain.

"J.." I gulp and finally gather my courage all at once, "I'm not-" but before I can finish stuttering she interrupts me.

"Oh thank God... I knew you weren't, but I couldn't say anything. You'd only do that if it were for a reason. Hiding something, most likely," J mumbled.

I was glad she new I was straight, however, now she'll be wondering what I'm hiding. That's just the way she is, and her personality is undo able. But, at least my small chances have been restored.

"J.. Will you pull over? I'm hungry.." She seemed hesitant. I knew she was hungry too, though, because she had skipped breakfast. J groaned and pulled into the empty parking lot. J got out of her car, but I stopped her before she could go any further.

"Nat, what are you doing," she tilted her head in curiosity. She shifted left to move, but I slid over to block her. Originally, I just wanted to confess, but my gaze fell to her lips.

J's lips were so... Plush. So... Welcoming, and warm looking.

Hey! Woah there! Control yourself!

Alright. For once, my conscious is right about something. I still can't help myself. While every bone in my body screams stop, my hands are taking over.

Originally, I just wanted to confess, but now, I'm holding J Sorsin's waist. This wasn't the plan, pressing my lips against her warm, plush, welcoming mouth, and all I can do is want more.

And we're done for.

I pulled back, but all that I could see in her eyes were shock. J's typically pale cheeks were flustere with assortments of reds and pinks. I'm expecting a smack across the face, but instead she proceeds to the abandoned Wiener Snitchzel.

Honestly, being smacked would've hurt less.

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