Crappy Food and a Crappier Day

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Oh my god. I can't move. He's kissing me, Nat's lips are on mine, and I have no clue why. All I know is I can't move.

Well you have to do something.

So, I make the consecutive decision to pull my lips off of his and walk away.

Wow, J. That's nice of you.

Nat was sort of just standing there silently. I shrugged it off, but boy did so know this wouldn't leave my mind. Just another burden to carry, right? Don't tell them that their work means nothing. Don't tell people Nat is gay. Don't tell people Nat isn't gay.

What next, Frelly is really gay? As if. Anyways, by now I've walked into this crusty Jack in the Box. There's like two other people sitting here and it's some old, elderly couple.

Nat scrambles in after me, but before he can spill his mouth open I fake a smile.

"Hey, I'm getting chicken strips, what do you want?" I smiled waiting for his response. He eventually just said to get him whatever I got and slumped into a booth.

After 10 agonizing minutes to think about the horrible person I was, I got our chicken strips with fries, and sat across from him. Quietly, I started a sentence.

"Nat.. I... I'm sorry," I uttered painfully.

Nat's POV

God it all hurt so bad. J was acting like nothing had happened. And I chase after her, but I realized I'd look ridiculous, and awkwardly fumbled into the old restaurant. Honestly, she even ordered food for herself and myself with a straight face.

However, and apology did slip her lips while we sat in the booth.

"I just..." Suddenly pain was bursting inside my heart, and it grew more painful with each and every beat.

"It hurt, that you could just walk away from me like that," I thought I mumbled, but my voice was clearer than I thought. J's eyes were glossed with water.

Softly, her mouth fumbled to rebut, "It's not like you put me in an easy position to respond, and you know, when did I ever say that I'd kiss you or like you in that way..?"

"You really know how to rip hearts out don't you Jade?" I snapped at her.

Woah, Nat. Slow down. Not cool. Not cool!

You never called J by her full first name. Nobody really knows why, but she just doesn't go by it. Unless it's a serious situation, love situation, or in this case, dramatic situation.

Abruptly, J got up and stormed out. God, what had I done. Now I've pissed her off!

But, when I ran out to her car, she wasn't angry... She was in tears.

What the hell?

I don't even know. Maybe she does care... I have to talk to her. Clear the air. This has to be over, or fixed, or... Something.

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