"I love you but do you really love me back?"(Before You Exit fanfic)

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Hey guys this is my first story so let me know what you think!!

Hope you guys enjoy please comment, vote and blablablabla.....

P.S. I do a lot of exclamation marks in my writing so  bear with me:)xx

Chapter 1-Band Practise

Connor's POV

"Hey guys, we gonna start? I asked.

We were at band practise but Riley, Toby, Braiden and Thomas were all playing COD

"Just hold up we need to finish this!!" Riley exclaimed.

"Yah we are nearly done" Thomas backed him up.

Braiden was just sitting there staring at the tv with the xbox control in his hands and his fingers moving all around the consol.

"yah we will be there in a sec" toby said.

"You guys have been playing for like half an hour and we are here to practise not to play COD we can play that later!"

"But Connor-"

"Nope the tv is going off" I walked over to the tv remote and turned the tv off.

"Aawwwww!!" is all that came out of all four of them.

"Ok lets get started!"

We walked into our practise room and picked up our instruments.

We practised for three hours and then we put down our instruments. We were done for the day.

"Ok now can we go back to playing COD?" Braiden asked.

"Sure and this time i will be playing as well" i replied.



"Bye guys see you tommorow at my place at 4" Braiden said before walking out the door. "Oh and remember my cousin will be there she is come here to stay from canada and is living at my house until she finds her own flatt. Ok gotta go bye!!"

"Bye!" riley, toby and I shouted from the door while thomas and braiden walked into their cars and drove off.

Riley's POV

I have a maths test today and im totally not prepared. Im gonna fail this.


"Okay class you start as soon as you get your paper and when your done just put it on my desk" Mrs Taylor shouted.

I honestly dont get why teachers shout at the whole class when we are in the same room as them. Do they think we're deaf? Man!! it just annoys me so much!!


After the test I met Connor outside where we usually meet after school.

"So how'd the test go?"

"ummm it was....okay i guess"

We got in the car and Connor started driving back home.

"Ok so remember today we are having practise at braidens house and his cousin is gonna be there so please be nice"

"I will"

We reached home when Toby walked into the house.

"hey toby!" connor said.

"hey"i said.

"hey!! Sorry i was late our bus had a bit of an accident..." he said.

We had a quick snack and soon we were ready to go.

"I love you but do you really love me back?"(Before You Exit fanfic) -COMPLETED-Where stories live. Discover now