A Heart to Heal (Tracer x Reader)

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Sorry this took so long, took a break for a while but now I'm back!

It was getting dark as the late January evening crept into the city of London. You sat in your living room relaxing, watching the television as the rain falls down outside with the occasional flashes of lightning and roar of thunder. You're engulfed in your show before you hear a small knock at the door. You stay seated for a moment and wondered who could be knocking at this time. The door knocked again. Spurring you to get up, you answered the door. There you saw her. Tracer. Lena. She had taken off her goggles and had been crying. Her eyes were red and her mascara ran down her cheeks. without hesitation, you instantly pull her into a hug and hold her close.

You take her out of the rain and into the warmth of your home. Once inside, you guide her into the living room and sit her down on the couch, hugging her tightly as she sobs into your shoulder.

"Lena...I've never seen you like this...what happened?" You ask worriedly after a couple of minutes.

Lena struggles to get the words out, almost as if it's painful to do. "It's...it's Emily...she left me" she sobs.

You keep her close to her, speaking in a soft, quiet voice. "Aww...Lena hush its ok...I'm here." You say rubbing her back tenderly.

After several minutes of hugging her you separate from her and put your hand on her cheek and wipe away the tears.

"No tears...not here" Lena only nods and sniffs, calming down a bit. "Lena you can use my bathroom to clean yourself up. If you're hungry I can make you something if you'd like" you say trying to make her feel Better.

"Thank you love" She replies to your kind gesture.

Lena wipes her nose and eyes before getting up to go upstairs. She gets into the shower and cleans herself up, still sobbing. You never heard her lock the door, but didn't think much of it.

You made some tea whilst Lena was upstairs. Minutes later Lena came down, wearing your white bathrobe (which was far too big for her). Her hair was still wet, meaning she probably only just got out.

You blush lightly as you notice her beauty up close. "You're done already?"

Lena nods. "Uh-huh."

"You going to dry your hair?"

"I like to wash and wear personally. Why else do you think it's always so wild?"

"And you're in my bathrobe?"

"You said to make myself at home."

"I did? Whatever. Doesn't matter. As long as you're happy I'm happy."

Lena sighs as she sits down at the table. You place a cup of tea in front of her and she swirls the teabag around the cup, sulking.

Lena...why did Emily kick you out?. If you don't mind me asking" You ask.

Lena sighs."Some stupid argument we had. I'd rather not get into details... but... some of the things we said to each other were kind of hurtful. Next thing you know I'm a crying mess and said something I wish I could take back. She gave me this look that still haunts me and kicked me out." Lena says looking you in the eye.

You stare back into her eyes and fall deep into them. They look like pools of honey shimmering in the light.

"Wow...Lena that's stupid and I have to tell you, I never liked her" you reply.

You both look at each other for a few minutes, your eyes wander over her face admiring her beauty.

You mutter "If only you liked boys..."

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